Physical Education and Sport


Over the past fortnight, students have been participating in activities to improve their skills in the following areas:

Prep - jumping and hopping

Grade 1/2 - kicking

Grade 3/4 - Net/Wall games

Grade 5/6 - Fitness and Volleyball

Cross Country

Congratulations to all students in Prep – Grade 6 (and the Kinder kids) who participated in our House Cross Country Carnival on Tuesday the 30th of April. We had beautiful autumn conditions this year and all runners did an amazing job! Results were as follows:

1st – Freeman 703 points

2nd – Thorpe 650 points

3rd – Bradman 619 points

4th – Rafter 599 points

Congratulations FREEMAN


Thank you to our parent helpers: Kristy, Amy, Jennine, Darryl, Kate, Nancy, Greg, Chelsea, Tamara, Jeannine and Lili. The morning ran very smoothly with your expertise and assistance!


A special congratulations to the top 10 place getters in the 9/10, 11 and 12/13 age groups who will represent Rolling Hills at the District Cross Country. This will be held at Lillydale Lake on Friday the 24th of May.

District Tennis

Congratulations to Addison R and Martin who participated in the Montrose District Tennis Competition on Friday the 19th of April. Both students played extremely well, demonstrating good skills and fair play. Well done! 

Mountain Bike opportunity

Important Dates


Monday 6th – Grade 5/6 Girls AFL Gala Day (selected 5/6 girls)

Friday 24th – District Cross Country (selected 3-6 students from our School carnival)



Friday 21st - Grade 5/6 District Winter Sports Day


Kind regards,

Mel Layton

Physical Education Teacher & Sport Coordinator