Grade Two

As Term 2 progresses and assessment and reporting time fast approaches us, the students have been working as hard as ever. The Grade 2 students have been engaging with exciting content across various curriculum areas and the teachers are proud of the effort they have been producing.
In English, we have been learning about information reports. The students have been researching animals they are interested in and have begun turning their research into an Information Report. During Reader’s Workshops, students have been exploring a variety of non-fiction texts and have been learning how to identify topic-related vocabulary in non-fiction texts. During our Writer’s Workshops, students have been working through the writing process to create Information Reports, based on animals they are passionate about. The students have thoroughly enjoyed learning new and interesting facts about animals.
In Mathematics, students have been identifying and partitioning numbers to 1000 and counting and ordering Australian coins and notes. Students will learn about multiplication and division, dividing collections into halves, quarters and eighths, 2D & 3D shapes, as well as telling time to the quarter hour, before the term ends. The students have continued working through a range of mental computation strategies during our Mathematics sessions. Each week we focus on different strategies to ensure a thorough understanding of basic number facts and operations.
During our Integrated sessions, students have been exploring ‘Change’ and gaining a deeper understanding of living and non-living things. We have discussed the difference between living and non-living things and students have had the opportunity to go on a nature walk around the Oatlands school grounds and explore living and non-living things close-up. So far this term, we have also covered ANZAC Day and have implemented a number of Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships and Cyber Safety activities.
Warm regards,
The Grade Two Team