Secondary Community News

Lower Secondary (Years 7-8)
Last week, the Year 7/8's went on a 3-day camp to Dalesford. The students participated in a range of activities from making a campfire to bushwalking. The highlight of the camp was definitely learning how to ride horses. The students also had a great time learning new skills in a new setting. At school, the 7/8's also had a reptile incursion and were visited by snakes, lizards and frogs. Many students faced their fears by touching and holding the reptiles- Woo!!
Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)
The 9/10s have been real busy the last couple of weeks! We have had our grand opening for our school Café, Hungry Flame last week which was a huge success! Our Production, Finance, Marketing and Service Teams all did extremely well in their roles and we received some really great Feedback from staff! Looking forward to continuing the rest of Term! Great work 9/10s!
The 9/10s have also gone out on different excursions in the city last week to the NBA Exhibition, SeaLife Aquarium and the ArtVo. Students had a great time and were very respectful in the community!
Senior Secondary (VPC/ASDAN)
ASDAN students are enthusiastically engaged in our offsite programs and enjoying every moment. The students are learning how to plan a simple journey, read a bus timetable and use public transport safely. The students also learn about being responsible and respectful travelers. We often get lovely compliments from other passengers commenting on the beautiful manners of our students. Well done team, we are very proud of you!
We have also been working hard weeding, planting, sweeping, raking and watering at the Sunshine Hospital and Westvale Community Garden. We are learning to work independently and as a team.
ASDAN Independent Work Experience
Matthew Sciberras 10-12A
This year Matthew has been participating in independent work experience every Monday at a local farm. Matthew has a special family connection to farming and is very keen to continue developing farm management skills.
Matthew is a responsible and hardworking working student at school and on the farm. Well done, Matthew, we are all extremely proud of you!
“I enjoy feeding the animals and working outdoors. Work experience is the best because I am learning about preparing for my future.” Matthew