P&C - Parents and Citizens Association

We have our final P&C meeting for 2023 next term, Monday 16 October 6:30pm.
Our 2023-2024 P&C Committee members are:
- Marie Murray (President)
- Leanne Childs (Vice President)
- Joanne Walker (Treasurer / Secretary)
We are still in need of 2 committee members to form an Executive Committee. I believe there are some parents who have shown an interest to join, so please make time for the Zoom meeting next term so we can formally add you to the committee. 😊
There are only 4 meetings a year via Zoom (online), plus a bit of correspondence between committee members via WhatsApp. Each family contributes $50 to the P&C through the school fees so there’s very little need to do extra fundraising, plus it's too difficult to organise because we all live so far apart!
The main role of a committee member is to decide what to spend the funds on. It truly is,
the easiest committee you’ll be a part of!
Link for the Zoom meeting below;
Monday 16 October 2023 at 6:30pm.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 743 8263 1310
Passcode: 4vBW63
Next Year
Remember to have a conversation with your son/daughter about potential ‘wishlist’ items the P&C could purchase next year.
Our kids live and go to school there – they know what is needed!
Hope to see some new faces at the P&C meeting on 16 October 2023.
Marie Murray
P&C Committee