From the
Associate Principal
Kelsey Berbari
Associate Principal
From the
Associate Principal
Kelsey Berbari
Associate Principal
If you are required to return in Term 4 to complete work, please ensure you plan to return on the correct days for the areas you need.
Certificate II Agriculture - Thursday and Friday
Certificate III Agriculture - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Trades - Wednesday P1 - 4 (you will be in Class P 5 - 6), Thursday and Friday
ATAR students (Class) - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (optional Week 1, compulsory Weeks 2 and 3)
Please ensure you are entering Reach leave.
(Please see Residential article by Miss KV re leave).
Parents are asked to send a baby photo and one other photo of their child growing up to be put in the valedictory slideshow.
Photos can be emailed to or bought into the College so they can be scanned and given back to you.
Any queries can be directed to Jamie Smith on 9635 2100.
Kelsey Berbari
Associate Principal