Principal's Report

Hello everyone,
Thank you for your work and support in Term 3.
Year 12 had their final days of secondary school this week with the last timetabled classes, Wednesday night’s Thanksgiving Mass and today’s Graduation Assembly. I thank and congratulate our Year 12 students for their individual and collective contributions to McCarthy Catholic College and for the example they set of being people of character and care in our school community. We wish them well for the HSC exams, Formal and beyond. Thank you to parents, students and staff who supported and encouraged our Year 12 students.
I hope all students and staff have a restful break and return in Term 4 ready to go again to finish 2023 in the best possible way - working together to ensure all can make the most of the gifts and opportunities we are blessed with.
Please read the document following, which outlines the current and planned approach to student phone use at schools in the Diocese. There is no intent in the Armidale Diocese to impose a common mandatory policy and protocol for student phone use. Some schools will be staying with current protocols while others will trial changed conditions in Term 4, for potential implementation in 2024. You will be consulted during this time.
All the best,
Rod Whelan