Careers & VET News

Careers News
Year 12
University early entry schemes closing dates are in September
Closing dates for early entry schemes are approaching for students who want to receive offers that are not depending on their ATAR. These include the Direct Entry from University of New England (15th September), UAC’s School Recommendation Scheme (18th September) and Southern Cross Universitys' Early Offer scheme (30th September).
UAC applications early bird applications close 29th September
This is the term when UAC applications need to be made to avoid the increased application cost after September 29.
It is highly recommended that students make an appointment to have a chat with Mrs Barrett about their university applications to make sure they are enhancing their opportunities for being successful in receiving offers and not missing out on certain schemes that are available. It would be best to do this after they complete their Trial HSC exams and before the end of Week 9.
UNSW Redback Car Racing Team visit
Eight university students from UNSW visited McCarthy on 1st September and spoke to Year 10,11 and 12 Design and Technology, Physic and Mathematics students about the practical application of skills in designing and building the racing car for a world wide university challenge. The university students were accompanied by James Smith, McCarthy Class of 2019, who attends UNSW studying Data Science.
Careers@McCarthy website
The information for students and parents/careers can be found on the careers website which can be accessed through the Learning page of the College website.
It has information on choosing careers, advice for year groups, TAFE, apprenticeships, universities and finding full time employment after leaving McCarthy.
Trade Excursion
Susan Barrett
Careers Adviser (University & Subject Selection)
Samantha Cox
Careers & VET Support Officer, Education Assistant
Shane Vesey-Wells
Leader of Learning - Transitions