
This week MCC welcomed the arrival of our Alpacas from Ketia Alpacas ( Quirindi).
Macca and Pacca have settled in nicely along with Miss Baileys two alpacas (Bubbles & Tabby) that are on loan til end of the term to be handled by the students and get used to "school life" as well as get acquainted with their flock of sheep of which they are intended to guard from now on.
Alpacas are well known as excellent herd or flock guards so with the number of lambs that arrived from a very successful lambing season it was thought to be time to get some help to protect them from foxes or dogs roaming on the hills behind the school.
The alpacas have been introduced to all Miss Baileys Ag and rural business classes, with Yr 12 being given the task of halter breaking them.
Kylie Bailey
Ag Teacher