College Notices

Final Call for Theatre Club 2024
After another successful year Theatre Club will be returning in 2024. As we have done this year, the invitation to join will be open to the whole school community. As I need to make final bookings, all those interested in joining Theatre Club will need to do so by close of business, Friday 17 November 2023.
The idea behind this initiative is to broaden the experiences our students have with the theatre and to start a dialogue about the ideas they have seen. We book a range of shows at different theatres. This about creating theatre community, your son does not need to take Drama for your family to join this initiative, theatre is for everyone. If there is a play you wish to see that your son does not, you are also welcome to book tickets for yourself and friends. Theatre has always been about telling stories. Stories that entertain and engage us, stories that hold up a mirror to society and show us the truth of the world. It’s not always a beautiful truth, but there is beauty in the feeling that theatre gives us, coming together to hear and watch a moment spring to life on stage. We are able to leave feeling hopeful and connected.
All the shows are booked in the evening to avoid taking students out of class and so that parents, carers, and families may attend. As this is an invitation and not an excursion the school will not be providing transport to or from the theatre.
Bookings can be made via the following link.
Please contact me via email for more information on the shows or any questions you may have.
Rebecca Duff
Head of Performing Arts