Faith, Justice and Formation

All Souls' Day Mass
Thursday 2 November is All Souls' Day when we remember especially all of the faithful departed. A special Mass for All Souls will be celebrated by Father Jack in the College Chapel at 7:45 AM. All are welcome.
The Festival of Carols and Readings
Every year St Patrick’s College celebrates the season of Advent with the Festival of Carols. This has been a longstanding tradition of the College and is an opportunity for us to come together as a community at the end of a school year and begin our preparations for Christmas. It is also an opportunity to showcase our wonderful choir and organ.
In past years it has been compulsory for Year 7 to attend this liturgy, but this has meant that it has been more difficult to involve the wider community beyond that cohort. This year, it will not be compulsory for all of Year 7 to attend; it is unlikely that we would be able to accommodate all of them and their families. Instead of this, we are opening invitations to attend this beautiful liturgy to all members of the College community.
The Festival of Carols and Readings will be held in the College Chapel on Monday 4 December at 6:30 PM. The liturgy follows a number of readings from scripture telling of the coming of Christ interspersed with carols from our wonderful choir.
Prefects, Year Ambassadors and Junior School student leaders will all be in attendance as representatives of the College community and seats will be reserved for them. All other students, parents/carers and guests will need to book a ticket with Humanitix via the following link.
We look forward to seeing you at what promises to be a fantastic celebration of music and community.
Adam Leslie
Acting Director of Identity
All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day
“Death is not the end of story. Death does not end a relationship.
Life is changed – not ended.”
On 1 November, All Saints' Day is observed to honour all of the saints and martyrs who have lived during Christian history. On 2 November, we observe All Souls' Day to remember those who have departed from this life within the faith. As Christians, we believe in the "communion of saints". We believe that those who have died are not only still alive but that they are, as well, still in a real relationship with us.
We continue to enjoy living in communion with all the deceased because we believe in the communion of saints. Therefore, in order to stay in touch with the deceased, we pray for them. When Pope St. John Paul II thought back on his predecessors, he made a very comforting observation. He made the point that we genuinely rebuild our relationships with the deceased via faith and prayer. He gave us the assurance that those who came before us keep an eye on us, follow us, and support us. It is the connection that results from our baptism, which is based on the Trinity's fundamental existence. The Holy Father reminded us that we still clasp hands in this tie.
A Prayer Offered by Pope Francis
We entrust to you, O Lord, the souls of our beloved dead.
May none of them be afraid to You, after their earthly pilgrimage, but may they always hope to be welcomed in the embrace of your infinite mercy.
Lord, may no earthy thing ever separate us from you, but may everyone with everything support us with a burning desire to rest hopefully and eternally in you. -Amen- |
We offer prayers to our saints and the dead in order to console ourselves, to awaken and celebrate our own faith, and to ease our own guilt regarding our imperfect relationship with the deceased. When we pray for the deceased, we accomplish two goals: we express our belief in the power of God, and we raise the deceased's life in order to give God the responsibility and opportunity to purify the deceased.
We pray for the presence of our departed loved ones and ancestors as we share, learn, and celebrate as a community. May we tread lightly on this earth.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. -Amen- |
William Chahin
Spirituality and Faith Formation Prefect