
Middle/Senior School Changed FAQS - Changes to Middle and Senior School Next Year
I recently wrote in the Especean about changes we are making in 2024.
The changes have come about because of the growth in the student population. We read and understand the feedback we have been receiving in surveys and we are making changes in order to have more support for each student, especially as they enter Year 5 and again, when they transition to Year 7 and secondary schooling. By having Year Coordinators in Years 5 and 6 added to our Wellbeing Team, in addition to one Director having a clear focus on Years 5 to 8, and the other on Years 9 to 12, we are confident of being able to work more effectively with students on sorting out any issues they are having or to give advice and support.
The restructure is one that changes the way our staff operate and increases the number of teachers dedicated to leading cohorts through their schooling.
At Assembly last week, I took the time to go through some FAQs that the student leadership team raised in a meeting with them. It was a chance to dispel any myths and concerns about how things will change for them.
Year Meetings
Each cohort will continue to meet once per cycle with their Year Coordinator. In Years 5 and 6, this has previously been with Mr Stephenson. From 2024, the meetings will be led by the new Year Coordinators.
- We will meet as a whole school for Opening Mass, High Achievers’ Assembly, Founder’s Day and Speech and Prize Giving Night.
- Once a cycle, there will be an extended homeroom and then an assembly, just like we now operate.
- When Years 5 to 8 are in the Gym for their assembly, Years 9 to 12 will go to an extended homeroom with their homeroom teacher.
- Then, we will swap over. Years 5 to 8 will move to their extended homeroom with their homeroom teacher and Year 9 and 12 will move to the Gym for their Assembly.
- Our senior student leaders (Captain, Vice Captains) will attend both assemblies.
Sports Carnivals and House Meetings
There will be no change to these. Years 5 and 6 will still have their swimming and athletics carnivals.
House meetings before these events will still run as they do now, from Years 5 to 8.
There are no changes to the Uniform. Years 5 and 6 will be in their Blue Caps and shorts, Year 7 to 10 in the full school uniform they are currently wearing, Years 11 and 12 in Black blazers, Year 12 in Black ties.
No changes here either. Years 5 and 6 are in the IPSHA sporting association and Years 7 to 12 in the ISA.
Student Leadership
No changes here. We will still have leaders in Years 5 and 6, and the student ambassadors and prefects in Years 7 to 12.
There will be two canteens. Years 5 to 8 will use the current one, which will be known as the Middle School Canteen and Years 9 to 12 will use Scientia, the Senior School Canteen. This will alleviate the queues and means faster service. They will both be cashless operations. They will also operate before school (8:15 AM), Recess and Lunch breaks.
If there are any other questions, send me an email and I would be happy to clarify things.
Prayers For HSC 2023 Students
Our last HSC exam, Information Processes and Technology is on tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon. Collectively, we once again wish the Class of 2023 all the very best as they move on into the next chapter of their lives.
God our Father We can look back over the last few years and recall the friendships that have formed and the good relationships that we have developed. We give thanks for all who have enriched our lives in various ways: at home, in school, in church, and in the local community. We are conscious too, Father, of mistakes that have been made and relationships that have gone sour. We ask for healing of what has been negative in the past, as we place ourselves into your hands. Inspire us in the years ahead to live in such a way that we readily apologise when things go wrong, as well as expressing thanks and encouragement to those who are a part of our lives. We give thanks, Father, for the gifts, talents and skills that you have given to each one of us. We think of people who may have received less than others but have made much of themselves. We remember, too, those who have overcome great difficulties, and all who have inspired us because they have given their best. In giving thanks for what has been in the past, we ask for your blessing on our present and future. We pray for wisdom in setting our priorities and in making our choices that we may live fully and make our part of the world a better place because of the care and compassion that we bring into it. Amen |
Dr Vittoria Lavorato
SPC boys can do anything!
**except divide by zero