Principal's Report

Dear Parents and Carers,

Showcase 2023

What an fabulous night!!!! 

Last Friday night we experienced a truly outstanding Showcase at Robert Blackwood Hall. This marvellous community event is a celebration of the talent of our students and the quality of our classroom music and instrumental music programs. The quality of the show and its diversity of performance is a beacon for many other schools. The children’s performances not only impressed our families and staff but also many visitors to the performance. Our special guests made a point of telling me how impressed they were with the standard of the show and how much they enjoyed it. A number of parents have also complimented the overall quality of Showcase, the excellent presentation of our Music Captains, and also the standard of musicianship displayed on the night. 


All the items were fantastic and the hard work that had gone into preparing the students for their item was obvious. 


Thank you to all the parents and friends who attended and supported the children. Having an appreciative audience is a highlight for the children and is the major reason for their enjoyment and enthusiasm to perform. Thanks also to all the teaching and support staff for the weeks of preparation and rehearsal with the children, and for their work in supervision and carrying out key responsibilities on the night.


As was mentioned on the night, special thanks must go to our amazing group of instrumental music teachers that make our program so sought after and prestigious. Coordinated by Alyssa Kennedy, they are a highly skilled and professional team of musicians and teachers. We are so fortunate to have them teaching our children at Essex Heights. They are the reason we have a high-quality program at the school.


Finally, a big thank you must go to Jessica Wynne, our classroom Music teacher, for her meticulous planning and organisation of Showcase, as well as the production on the night. Great work and thanks Jess! 


Well done to all at Essex Heights, a great community event!

Planning for 2024

At this time of year, children are often thinking about next year and their transition into the next year level. The staff are focussed on their students, their health and wellbeing as well as the many important factors necessary for the children to have a successful transition into 2024. Creating new class groups for next year will enable children to grow their friendship group across the year level as well as to be challenged with different thinking educationally.


The process of class creation is a very complex task, as there are many factors to consider before deciding the best student combinations. The educational needs of each child must be the most important criteria so that each has the best prospect of learning to their full potential. When developing class lists, teachers ensure that each class has an equitable spread of boys and girls with a range of academic abilities. Student compatibility and behaviour is also considered, and students are placed with children with whom they work well. This process is about placing children together who cooperate and get along in their learning. Children’s feedback will be sought by their classroom teacher. The allocation of classes takes many hours of consideration and planning by staff and it is taken very seriously to ensure that the children’s learning potential is maximised.


As always, in the formation of new classes, the children’s educational needs and the maintenance of positive working groups will be important criteria used to guide placement. If you have matters that are of interest to the educational needs of your child, please put them in writing and return to me by this Friday, 3 November. This, of course, is an opportunity for me to gain an insight into the matters that you see as important for the educational wellbeing of your child. Our staff will consider requests carefully when allocating students to classes and I can assure you that all information will be always handled confidentially. Thank you to the families that have already sent information to me.


Please note however that I cannot guarantee that requests will be met due to the many competing and complex priorities throughout this process. I would like to emphasise that all staff at EHPS are highly competent professionals who work for the best of all children. Any genuine issue will be considered seriously, however special requests for particular teachers will NOT be contemplated. Students will be placed in classes that best suits their best educational needs and the overall requirements of the school.


As parents you play an important role in modelling resilience to your children. Thought should be given now, as to how you will respond in coming months if your child has an issue with their class grouping. It is appropriate to discuss the matter with your child so that you can understand their concern and you may undertake to raise a query with a staff member. It is most important though to model responsible and proactive behaviour that encourages a child to understand that there are many opportunities outside of class time to be with friends, and this class arrangement will be an opportunity to make new friends and new working relationships.

Leaving Essex Heights?

Also essential to our consideration in our planning and preparation is knowing if children are leaving EHPS. As has been requested in recent issues of Contact, if your child is leaving EHPS either this term or not returning in 2024, it is essential that you advise me in writing as soon as possible to the school email address with the following details: 

  • Child's name and 2023 class
  • Date of last day at EHPS (the last day of the 2023 school year is Wednesday 20 December)
  • Name of the school your child is enrolled at 
  • Commencement date at new school (Term 1 2024 commences on Monday 29 January)
  • The reason for leaving EHPS  
  • New contact details, e.g. address, phone number, email

Year 1 and 2 Playground 

On Monday, the Year 1 and 2 playground was officially opened. The Year 1 and 2 students were all present and a few lucky one were able to cut the ribbon and have the first slide. The children were all so excited to finally have a new playground which they helped to develop. This project is another example of how the students have a voice in our school. The Year 1 and 2 students had a say in the selection of the equipment, and they also chose the colours to be used on the playground. They saw their ideas become a reality. I would like to thank all families for your support of this project over a few years. Special thanks to the PFC, past and present, for their fundraising activities over that time. The children have played on it most enthusiastically since Monday!! 

Scholarships to support students

The Department of Education administers a number of scholarships that are available to eligible students who are enrolled in Grade 4 to Year 12 in 2023. Applicants for these scholarships will be evaluated on their: 

  • participation in school activities 
  • community involvement 
  • academic achievement. 

Scholarships are either one-off payments or cover the duration of the student’s course or annual study. Many of these scholarships have specific eligibility criteria so please refer to individual applications for more information. 

Applications are open and close on Thursday 1 February 2024. 

For more information and a list of available scholarships, refer to the 2024 Student scholarships for Grade 4 – Year 12 fact sheet

For information on how to apply, refer to Student scholarships.

Hats – Terms 1 & 4

Consistent with our Sun Smart School Policy we expect our students to wear a hat in Terms 1 & 4 to protect against UV and the sun. This is a reasonable position and I would ask that you assist us in this area. Whilst caps might be popular, they usually give little protection, particularly for the ears. 

Please note that for your child’s safety and protection, students not wearing a proper sun smart hat will not be allowed to play in the yard and will have to spend recess and lunchtime in the shade being supervised by a member of staff.

Sometimes hats are misplaced, so if your child says that they have lost their hat, check the lost property boxes located around the school.  If your child does not have a hat that protects their neck and ears, that is either broad brimmed, legionnaire style or bucket, I strongly urge you to purchase an approved Essex Heights Hat from our uniform shop, Spartan School World.

No students at school

Families are reminded of the days in the coming week that students do not attend school:

  • Friday 3 November - Professional Practice Day for staff
  • Monday 6 November - Student-free Day 
  • Tuesday 7 November - Melbourne Cup public holiday

Care will be provided by the OSHC program from 7am to 6pm on Friday 3 and Monday 6 November. Students must be enrolled in the OSHC program to access care. Book care on your Xplor Home app if required. Contact our OSHC Coordinator, Paul Davis, regarding OSHC enrolment.

Carnival preparation

There are just under three weeks remaining until our Canival on Saturday 18 November. The PFC and Carnival Committee are working hard finalising arrangements for this special whole school event. Please sign up to help where you can, donate items as you're able. The whole school coming together is what makes these community events such a success.

Smile Squad

Smile Squad commenced the free dental program at EHPS on Monday 23 October. Students who received consent from parents earlier this year will be seen by the Link Health & Community staff who are providing this program at our school over the next few weeks. 


We welcome the following student and their family to the EHPS community:

  • Helia J (5R)


I look forward to seeing you around the school.


Kindest regards,

George Perini
