Upcoming Important Dates


Monday 2nd First Day of Term 4

Thursday 5th Instrumental Music Concert

Tuesday 10th VCE VM Showcase

Thursday 12th Arts & Technology Showcase 

Thursday 12th Cultural Family Picnic

Friday 20th Year 12 Celebration Day

Monday 30th Parent Teacher Student Conference - No scheduled classes


Week 4 – Week 7 – Year 12 Exams

Week 3 – Week 5 – PAT Testing Year 7, 8 and 9


Monday 6th – Curriculum Day for Assessment – No scheduled classes

Tuesday 7th – Melbourne Cup Day – No scheduled classes

Friday 24th – Year 10 Formal 


Friday 1st  – Year 12 Graduation

Tuesday 5th – Whole School Awards Night

Tuesday 12th – Orientation Day – Future Year 7 students only, no schedule classes


NOTE: To stay up to date with Important Dates and Information, you can follow the Staughton Facebook Page HERE, your XUNO parent portal HERE. and regularly check your emails.