EAL news

EAL students Sai Yapamanu, Michael Aliot, Tai Olo & Bibi Sakina with Principal David Lord 


The English as an Additional program at Staughton College has had an extremely successful running since it’s inception in 2022 Semester 2. We’ve effectively up skilled our new migrant attendees at Staughton College for successful immersion into the mainstream classrooms. The students who have arrived from various non-English speaking backgrounds have displayed great enthusiasm in building their cultural and educational learning which has led to them transitioning contentedly and confidently into the mainstream Australian education system. This extensive in-class program is semester based. However, the EAL Team at Staughton College consistently provides follow up care to all EAL students in other mainstream classrooms at all year levels.


Sushma Devi

EAL Intervention Leader