Principal's Report

by Kristy Herridge

The end of term 3 and the start of term 4 have been fantastic. Walking around and through classes the excitement and buzz towards the end of term was intensified with our senior students working hard towards sign off. Whilst this time of year can be challenging it is important that we stop and take a moment to celebrate the fantastic learning achievements of our students. 

Returning to school always means a reset of our routines and expectations. Like previous terms we are focussing on students using their learning time effectively in class as the term begins. This can be supported from home by:

  • making sure students have the required exercise books, stationary and digital device for school. 
  • Helping your children to set routines that allow them to complete any set homework and study by completing deliberate practice of what they need to learn. Term overviews for this terms work in all subjects has been communicated with families. Please have a look at these to support conversations with students.

Key Dates for families this term include:

Thursday 12th October – The Art & Technology Showcase & Cultural Family Picnic

Week 4 – Week 7 – Year 12 Exams

Week 3 – Week 5 – PAT Testing Year 7, 8 and 9

Monday 30th October – Parent Teacher Student Conferences

Monday 6th November – Curriculum Day for Assessment – No scheduled classes

Tuesday 7th November – Melbourne Cup Day – No scheduled classes

Friday 24th November – Year 10 Formal 

Friday 1st December – Year 12 Graduation

Tuesday 5th December – Whole School Awards Night

Tuesday 12th December – Orientation Day – Future Year 7 students only, no schedule classes


Tongan Language Week

Massive congratulations to Kalolaine for her first ever and highly successful Tongan Language Week celebration.  The students worked very hard and gave up their recess, lunch, and after school to put together that show for us.  Thank you to BRU for the amazing support in ensuring the show went ahead, to the PCO team, the SOT team, and NJO and her CRTs for helping usher, prep, and clean up.  We also couldn’t have done it without DTE and KES overseeing our audio. We hope everyone enjoyed the performances.


Variety Show

On the 7th and 8th of October we had our variety show. I would like to send a massive thank you to the staff who supported the show through help with props, set design, music, promotional materials, playing card donations and everything in between. 

Special thanks to the following staff for the time and resources they’ve donated throughout the year: AKU, LLI, MCO, KPE, SCL, KES, BRU, NJO, PKE, DSC, SJP, ABG, JTL, AWA

Of course a MASSIVE congratulate to the Performing Arts students on their achievements!

RU OK? Day 2023

R U OK? Day is an annual national day of action that reminds us that every day is the day to ask, 'are you okay?’.

This year’s theme, ‘I’m here to hear’ encourages us to have a conversation with someone who might be struggling, and connect them with appropriate supports.

The Wellbeing team and YEP students set up and were handing out milos at lunchtime outside the multi to encourage students to stop and check in with each other. It was a fantastic celebration of how we connect with each other. 



Intermediate Girls Soccer State Finals 

Thank you to Roger and Sone who took out our Intermediate Girls to the State Soccer finals. The girls did extremely well. They beat Mac Robertsons girls college 1 – 0, drew against Ballarat Secondary 2 – 2 after being 2 down at half time and then lost to Northcote 2-1. So overall: 1 win, 1 draw, 1 loss. We are all extremely proud of their efforts! Congratulations!!


Acting Principal


We, at Staughton College, would like to show our respect and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is situated, of elders past and present. We extend a warm welcome to everyone who visits our school.