From the Wellness Centre

RUOK Day/Week/Month/Year

Thursday 14 September is the 'official' RUOK Day across Australia which offers each of us the opportunity to consider the mental fitness of self, loved ones, colleagues and acquaintances.


Research is clear that having 'the conversation' will not impel someone to further harm. Indeed, when we feel heard and seen, we are more likely to consider help-seeking and further intervention.


The students at GSG know this as when we participate in teenMHFA training, we are clearly trained to practise non-ambiguous asking, in an empathic, encouraging and genuine manner.


So while today is the gazetted RUOK Day or Suicide Prevention Day, I believe that many of us at GSG invoke the practices and intent of RUOK Day each day of the school year. 


Furthermore, I believe that we at GSG are gradually developing more fluid and competent mental health literacy and help-seeking attitudes and behaviours.


This beautiful graphic is an apt reminder of the human condition.

Simple Steps that Could Change a Life

RUOK also encourages us to initiate a caring, meaningful conversation, especially when we have noticed a change in the mood, social media posts, behaviours, appearance and such like of another person. The 'Conversation Guide' offers excellent prompts and hints to prepare us to have the conversation: be ready, be prepared, pick your moment. And the 4 part skeleton script is really useful as a guide to follow – Ask RUOK, Listen, Encourage Action and Check In.

Some serious facts from the RUOK Website:  

  • About 8 people take their own lives in Australia every day.
  • For every death, it’s estimated another 30 people will attempt suicide.
  • 89% of people report knowing somebody who has made an attempt.

We want to help change these numbers.


R U OK?’s vision is of a world where we are all connected and protected from suicide. Their mission is to inspire everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and support anyone struggling with life.


By inspiring people to take the time to ask, “Are you OK?” and listen, we can help people who are struggling with life to feel connected long before they even think about suicide.

Self-Care and Self-Awareness 

Remember you cannot “pour from an empty jug” and you get stuck, stranded, immobile, despairing, angry, disappointed …  if your car is running on empty. As humans, we must be self-aware and take steps to keep our tanks at least half full most of the time.


Sleep, healthy diet, activity and exercise, hydration and strong relationships are key for our functioning. Taking breaks, asking for help, chortling, dancing, noticing others, laughing and reflecting are to be encouraged.


I like to listen to my twin Labradors who constantly remind me: 

Find awe and glimmers of joy in the everyday and also in the extraordinary – this will change your neural chemistry and will gradually enhance your sense of capacity and self-worth. Make a habit of noticing the magic in your life – this only requires an open mind and seconds of time. 

Older Persons Mental First Aid Training  - Coming to GSG in October

OPMHFA Training will teach you how to assist a person aged 65+ who may be experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves, using a practical, evidence based Action Plan.


The course is based on guidelines developed through the expert consensus of people with lived experience of mental health problems and professionals, via the Delphi Research Method. The areas covered in the course include depression and anxiety, confusion and dementia, psychosis, suicidal thoughts and behaviours, panic attacks and delirium. 


In the spirit of Partnership, Palmerston Albany will be the major sponsor for this event. So no cost will be attached to this training, as Palmerston will cover the catering and the cost of the manuals, and GSG will provide the venue and other materials.


I would love you to join me in my first delivery of this training on two consecutive Sundays, 15 and 22 October in Term 4, from 10.00am – 4.15pm. The training will take place at GSG with a specific venue yet to be decided (depending on nos).


Please see the flyers for further information.e flyers for further information.

Yours in mental fitness,


Ms Sheryl Moncur | School Counsellor & Teacher