From the Deputy Principal

Loving learning

It's been an extraordinary time of the term for celebrating learning across the school.  At the end of last week my Literature class made the most of the sunshine as we read The Merchant of Venice in the sunshine and debated issues as complex as faith, mercy, revenge and gender expectations.  These intellectual debates with my class often culminate in great insights from all of them.



On Monday afternoon I celebrated with our two girls' Year 7/8/9 Hockey teams at a wind-up and recognised how much all of them had grown and developed in their skills and teamwork through the season.  We thanked both coaches and managers for their dedication to the teams.  I know many other teams have celebrated the end of the season together. 


On Tuesday evening I was lucky enough to attend the Breaksea House Year Twelve dinner and witnessed these amazing young people preparing to take the next steps on their journey, which our boarding community has prepared them for so well.



Last night was our Technologies Showcase and I was just blown away by the displays of recipe creations, drones, robotics, video games, sustainable production and much, much more.  Our Hospitality students' food service was the perfect complement to this display of student learning.  My favourite part was seeing students sharing their understandings and excitement with parents.  Keep an eye on next week's Anchor for more details about this event.


Tonight, I am looking forward to the Kingfisher Concert, a showcase of our students' very many musical talents.  This concert is always a highlight of the year!


Thank you to all the staff and volunteers involved in creating authentic, engaging learning opportunities for our students and thank you to our parents for your support of the programs we offer.


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal