Reflections on Faith 

From the desk of the Religious Education Coordinator - Miss McMeniman

Farewell Father Gleeson

On Monday, our immediate and extended school community gathered at St. Patrick's Church to farewell Father Gleeson. At the end of October Father Gleeson is retiring as a Parish Priest and we would like to extend our best wishes to him for his future endeavours. 

We have been extremely fortunate and grateful to have had such an informed priest leading our parish for the past 6 years and we will all miss your insightful homilies, which always connected with us all, catering for the wide range of attendees in the Church. 


Thank you Father Gleeson and enjoy retirement.

Sacrament of First Holy Communion

This Saturday night, we have 6 students completing their Sacrament of First Holy Communion. We extend our best wishes to: 


India Williamson (who is also completing her Sacrament of Confirmation)

Charlie Schalk

Maggie Doust

Halle Parish

Harley McPhillips

Phoebe Newberry


Mathew Jobin also completed his Sacrament of First Holy Communion earlier in the year. 


This Sacrament will take place at the 6:00 pm Vigil Mass on Saturday. We invite everyone to join us on the evening. 


For the candidates, a few things to remember on the night: 

  • Dress for First Holy Communion is “Good Sunday Best”. Girls are welcome to wear white dresses. Boys are to wear a tie. Black pants and white shirts are preferable.
  • The Mass is due to start at 6:00 pm, so please be seated by 5:50 pm at the latest so that you and your child are able to speak with Father Gleeson prior if required. 
  • Please sit in the front pews in the centre of the Church. Your family is welcome to sit together here. 
  • Please bring your completed work booklets for Father Gleeson so that he can sign each booklet. 
  • There will be a celebratory cake and tea/coffee following the Mass in the Parish hall. Please attend as there will be photo opportunities here as well.