Events & Special Lunches

Highvale Primary Community Group

Special Lunches 2023

SUBWAY lunches are offered every Thursday

SUSHI and BAKERS DELIGHT lunches are offered on alternate Wednesdays.  


Please order SPECIAL LUNCHES on the QKR! app. Subway orders will open Friday mornings and close the following Tuesday afternoon (for a Thursday lunch that week).

Sushi and Bakers Delight orders will close on Sunday night (for lunches on the following Wednesday) to ensure orders can be delivered in time.


If you have any queries, please feel free to contact the office on 9887 8000.


2023 Term 4 lunch schedule

Wednesday 11th October - Sushi

Thursday 12th October - Subway

Wednesday 18th October - Bakers Delight

Thursday 19th October - Subway

Wednesday 25th October - Sushi

Thursday 26th October - Subway

Wednesday 1st November - Bakers Delight

Thursday 2nd November - Subway

Wednesday 8th November - Sushi

Thursday 9th November - Subway

Wednesday 15th November - Bakers Delight

Thursday 16th November - Subway

Wednesday 22nd November - Sushi

Thursday 23rd November - Subway

Wednesday 29th November - Bakers Delight

Thursday 30th November - Subway

Wednesday 6th December - Sushi

Thursday 7th December - Subway

Wednesday 13th December - Bakers Delight

Thursday 14th December - Subway


Family portrait fundraiser - Sunday 22nd October


We are having a Family Portrait Fundraiser day on Sunday 22nd October with photography company Aver & Line.


For $20, which is donated to the school, you will have a 20 minute portrait session, a 20 minute viewing session and receive a free 8"x12" print.


There is no obligation to purchase, but the school will also receive a percentage of any further sales.


To book, go to


Bookings close on Thursday 19th October.


See the attached notice for full details.


Thanks for your support,

Highvale Primary Community Group

Scouts and Schools Monster Raffle

We are participating in the Scouts & Schools Monster Raffle again this year. From now until 27th November 2023, you can buy tickets to raise funds for Highvale Primary School and go into the draw to win some amazing prizes!


To see the full prize list and buy tickets, go to


Good luck in the raffle and thanks for your support!

Highvale Primary Community Group

Small Ideas membership - Fundraiser

Join the HPCG or the helpers register

If you would like to be added to the HPCG’s helpers register for 2023 and would be willing to receive emails from us about our upcoming events, please fill in the form on School Stream.


If you are interested in joining the HPCG, we would love to hear from you! We meet once a month on Wednesday nights via Zoom. Contact us at


Highvale Primary Community Group

Find us on Facebook






Friday lunches - Balanced Living Catering

School lunches are provided every Friday from Balanced Living Catering.


For queries regarding ordering or child’s specific dietary requirements, please call Uaina on 0481 044 800 or email her at