Leadership Report

Thursday 5th October


Dear Parents, Students and Friends,


It is hard to believe that October is already here. Whilst chatting to our students this week, it is clear that many enjoyed some fantastic adventures and experiences during the break and it was great to hear their stories. 


One particular highlight last Saturday was the Collingwood Premiership.  It was nice to share this at Assembly with all of our Magpie fans. 

Term 4

This week we commence the exciting, action packed journey of Term 4. This term is always full of engaging learning opportunities and experiences that will keep us all very busy in the lead up to Christmas. In addition to the daily core learning occurring in each class and specialist lesson. The list below provides a snapshot of some of the activities we can look forward to during Term 4.

  • Extracurricular programs – Chess, dance, robotics
  • Sporting Schools
  • District Sports & Year 5&6 Summer Sports Round Robin day
  • Year 3&4 camp to Philiip Island
  • Year 5&6 camp to Mount Evelyn
  • P-6 ‘Health and the Environment are Connected’ incursions and excursions
  • 2024 Prep Transition program & Parent Information sessions
  • 2024 Year 1-5 Transition morning 
  • 2024 Year 1-5 Orientation morning
  • 2024 Year 6-7 Transition day
  • Victorian High Achievers Program - Mathematics
  • 3 week Swimming Program 
  • Semester 2 Student Reports
  • Christmas Carols community event
  • Year 6 Graduation ‘Celebration Day’
  • Year 6 Graduation dinner and ceremony

World Teachers’ Day

World Teachers’ Day is celebrated internationally on October 5th. The day provides an opportunity to recognise, celebrate and thank the wonderful teachers we have here at Highvale Primary School.   


This morning our staff enjoyed a morning tea together to acknowledge the extraordinary work of our teachers who teach, support and advocate for every student in our school.  Effective teaching in the 2020s demands a very diverse skill set that extends well beyond the classroom. 


As a community, we are incredibly fortunate to have such a committed, talented and enthusiastic group of professionals working with our students every day.


To each and every Highvale Primary School teacher, thank you!    


Cooperative Learning Logo – Cooperative Kids

Towards the end of Term 3 we announced the winning designs for our Cooperative Learning Logo. At Monday’s Assembly each of these students was acknowledged and presented with a pack of Derwent Art pencils to encourage them to continue to enjoy and develop their visual art and design skills.


The new logo was introduced to all students at Assembly as a visual representation to enhance our collective understanding of the 5 elements of Cooperative Learning. These elements are explicitly taught during Cooperative Kids as a key component of the Social Emotional Learning component of the Victorian Curriculum.  They are referenced during class, specialists’ lessons and play. 


A challenge for all students this term, is to learn the meaning of each of the elements. Once again, congratulations to Aleina, Faith, Aishaanya, Bhuvi, Noa, Phoebe, Olivia and everyone else who entered. 


An important reminder that UV levels increase at this time of year, so we need to be SunSmart! The Cancer Council recommend a combination of sun protection measures: 



1. Slip on some sun-protective clothing that covers as much skin as possible. 

2. Slop on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30+ (or higher) sunscreen. Put it on 20 minutes before you go outdoors and every two hours afterwards. Sunscreen should never be used to extend the time you spend in the sun. 

3. Slap on a hat – broad brim or legionnaire style to protect your face, head, neck and ears. 

4. Seek shade. 

5. Slide on some sunglasses – make sure they meet Australian Standards. 


Our Sun Smart Policy specifies that all students must wear a sun smart hat at this time of year.  Please support our Sun Smart policy by providing a HPS ‘sun smart’ hat for your child. Hats are available for purchase at the uniform shop.

New Senior Playground Update

Unfortunately, some unforeseen groundworks issues have caused a delay in the construction of our new playground. We are expecting works to recommence very soon so the children can enjoy playing on the playground as soon as possible. 

Term 4 Pupil Free Day 

A reminder from previous school communications:

  • Monday November 6th is a pupil free day.  Staff will be working on curriculum development, assessment and reporting on this day. 

For those of you familiar with the calendar, that Monday leads into the Melbourne Cup Public Holiday on Tuesday November 7, giving our parent and student community a 4-day break before the final run to the end of term. Start making your holiday bookings! 


This concludes all pupil free days in 2023.

REMINDER - 2024 Classes and Workforce Planning 

Throughout Term 4 until early December, we will be working on our class structures and student combinations for next year. This is a very complex process, influenced by many factors including changes in student numbers and staffing combinations that will cause us to reshape our proposed class structures several times throughout this term. Due to continued strong enrolment demand, we will either maintain 14 classes or increase to 15 classes in 2024.  At this stage, if 14 classes the structure will be comprised of 2 x Prep, 2 x Year 1, 2 x Year 2, 2 x Year 3, 2 x Year 4, 2 x Year 5 and 2 x Year 6. The final number of classes will be confirmed during Term 4. 


Due to this, it is vital that we are made aware of any circumstances that may impact on our enrolment numbers. Please let us know immediately if you are aware of people in our zone who will be enrolling, or if you intend to transfer to another school. We urgently require this information to establish class structures for the start of the 2024 school year.

If your child is currently in Prep – Year 5 and will not be at Highvale in 2023 please notify the school office in writing as soon as possible. Thank you. 


2024 Class Placement Requests 

A reminder that parents and carers have previously been invited to write to Mr Richardson about any concerns regarding their child’s educational needs for 2024. 


Please note, requests for particular teachers will not be considered under any circumstances as the best interests of all the children and the effective school management must be taken into account. 


While I have letters on file from previous years, I will only be taking into account letters I receive this year. Often historical concerns become outdated as the children grow and mature. However, if you have information from previous years that you feel I need to know that is relevant in regard to your child’s placement, please include this in your letter. Please do not assume I know!


Letters will be considered up until 4pm, Wednesday November 1, 2023.

Letters received after this date will not be accepted unless in exceptional circumstances. These letters are to be addressed directly to myself with all details and information provided kept in confidence. 

Child Safety - Drop Off and Pick Up and Parent Supervision

Thank you to the vast number of families who adhere to the Drop off and Pick Up times.  A reminder that staff are on drop off duty from 8.45am and pick up until 3.45pm. Parents are responsible for ensuring their child is actively supervised (by a parent) both before and after these times if their child is on school grounds.  Parents will be contacted if students are on grounds unsupervised outside of these times. 


I look forward to seeing you around our school.


Steve Richardson