General Information & Reminders


Homework begins in week 3. The first task will be to complete a template of a family tree. Due to varying timetables, each year 4 teacher has a specific day for homework to be handed in. The children will hand in their homework books and diaries on their set day (see below) and it will be returned by the next day. 

4A- Thursday 

4B- Wednesday 

4C- Thursday 

4D- Friday 

Home Reading 

The children are expected to read for 20 minutes each night of the school week with a minimum of 3 nights. They are to record three nights of reading in their diary each week and once this has been done, they are to have their diary signed by a parent before handing it in. Diaries are to be handed in with their homework books. 



 iPads are expected to be at school every day and are to be fully charged.