
First Nation people used to draw stories in the sand with symbols.

Wow, what a term it has been, the students have all produced such amazing artwork! This term all year levels have been studying Aboriginal artists and many kinds of different art. The Foundation students learned that before there was paper and paint, First Nation people used to draw stories in the sand with symbols. The students had a go at making up their own symbols and telling stories in red or yellow sand.


Jack (FS) Sand Story

 Ann and Zahli FS  

 Sonny and Jett FD


Grade 1 and 2 looked at the colourful abstract composition of Naomi Hobson who is of Kaantju and Umpila heritage. The students focused on a memory of a special place to them and drew symbols to represent those memories. They used colour to express how they felt in these memories and put the two together to create these wonderful abstract artworks: 

 Frankie Jamie Corben 1R 

 Luna Hailey 1R 

 Bella 2N

 Sophie 2M

 Charlotte 2M

  Aarav 2S  

 Nicholas 2M


The Grade 5 and 6 students learned about Torres Strait Islander artist Brian Robinson who combines realism and fantasy to create linocut prints. I was very impressed with how quickly the students took to this new skill of linocut printing, they designed their prints based on the flowers in our front garden, carved them into the lino and chose the ink to print onto their coloured paper. Outstanding effort from the Grade 5 and 6’s on these prints:

 Anna 6P  

 Taz 6P

 Jude 6P 

 Harvey W 6P

 Celine 5S 

Madeleine 5M

 Vivaan 5M 

Simon 5S 

Poppy 5S


Cendrine Rodriguez

Art Teacher