Student Voice

Tiny Town

On Thursday grade one had open classrooms to showcase their Tiny Towns. This was the culmination of their "community" unit. It was so exciting to share them with our families and the IPS community who came into school this morning! 

House Lunch

House Captains and Mr Pearce organised a house lunch on Wednesday.  The weather was glorious as we all gathered in our house colours on the soccer pitch to share lunch and mingle with students and teachers in our houses.  The soccer pitch was a kaleidoscope of red, blue, yellow and green, representing the IPS houses of McCubbin, Condor, Sutherland and Ibbott.  Cheered on by teachers in our houses, we competed against other houses to collect easter eggs in a relay race on the oval.

Rounding off a thoroughly enjoyable lunch, the points for the term were tallied, with McCubbin winning!  


Well done to everyone for displaying the school values and students in McCubbin for being so consistent!


Foundation students have been learning all about different celebrations from across the world. We have also been practising to write the sound H. With Easter coming up, we decided to make our own Easter celebrations h- h- hat! 


After learning about the letter H, students were able to use their creativity and resources to make an Easter hat. On Wednesday morning, we all came together as a Foundation year level to share our fancy hats in a quick parade. 

The Foundation students and teachers wish everyone a happy and safe Easter holidays!

House Captain Award

Congratulations Andy!!!  Let's see who is the stand out next term!