Year 5 Celebration 



This term Grade 5s revised a wide range of mathematical concepts in preparation for NAPLAN, while the Grade 6s worked with Maths Buddies to apply their knowledge of the four process and a range of problem-solving strategies to solve complex word problems. The students were immersed in a unit on place value to strengthen their understanding of whole numbers beyond six digits, and became more familiar with decimal numbers. Students worked on building their automatic recall of multiplication facts through daily fluency sessions and goal setting/monitoring.



Throughout Term One, the Grade 5s became familiar with features of a range of text types and were encouraged to choose books that were a good fit for their reading abilities. We introduced Sunshine Online to add to the bevy of texts available already in the classroom libraries, through the school’s library borrowing system and the digital platform, Epic. The students explored various reading strategies, with a targeted focus on inferring. Together with the teacher, students set individual reading goals and had the opportunity and support to practise applying specific strategies in their independent and small group reading tasks. The Grade 5/6s embarked on a unit to analyse persuasive texts and identify specific techniques writers use to persuade their audience.



During Term One we explored a number of traits that writers use to enhance the quality of their writing pieces. With an emphasis on ‘ideas’ and ‘organisation’, students built their skills in these areas while planning, drafting and publishing persuasive texts and short narratives. Student work samples were used to aid in the creation of individualised goals during teacher-student conferencing, and these goals were monitored and evaluated throughout the term by the students themselves and with the teacher.



As part of the Inquiry program, students explored Australian history including the formation of Australian Federation. They learned about human rights and freedoms in the 20th century including those of First Nation Peoples. The Grade 5/6s also explored Protective Behaviours and learned about where and how to seek help online and in the real world.



We built upon our social and emotional skills through The Resilience Project, Respectful Relationships and the introduction of The Berry Street Educational Model throughout first term. Students explored the importance of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness through a series of carefully planned and targeted learning experiences and were guided to apply a range of effective strategies to solve friendship issues.


Performing Arts 

In Term One Performing Arts, Grade Five students worked on their oral language and public speaking skills while working with scripted plays. Students have stepped through the play-building process to rehearse characters and storylines from several Aesop fables. Students also explored media skills when developing digital backgrounds to accompany their performances and are looking forward to sharing their ‘mini productions’ with an audience next term. 



In Term 1 Grade 5 PE classes, students further developed their physical abilities through challenging activities and sports. In preparation for inter-school competitions, students learned, practised, and mastered different game-specific skills. They refined techniques and strategies while developing sportsmanship, leadership, and teamwork to best represent Kismet Park against other schools.


Visual Arts

This term students investigated the tools of drawing, creating artworks using a range of tools - pencils, pens and markers.  Students continued to learn about the elements of art – line, shape, and colour. They made choices about how their artworks looked and took risks when working with unfamiliar materials and techniques. Students worked towards developing their confidence and artistic skills as they appreciated and valued the creations of others.



This term in Japanese the Grade 5 and 6 students participated in a unit called ‘Hiragana Karate Belts’ where they revised hiragana (Japanese alphabet) by completing various activities and games that enabled them to practise identifying and saying each hiragana character. Students were required to work collaboratively with a partner or group to complete the tasks. They will continue to move through the belt colours throughout the year while completing other units of work. Students also continued to read and write Japanese words, phrases and sentences.