Principal's Message

Dear Families,
We have come to the end of Term 1.
We finish today, 28th March, at 2.30pm. Friday 29th is Good Friday.
Term 2 starts on Monday 15th April.
This Newsletter is a celebration of our learning and I hope that our families will enjoy reflecting on the achievements of students across the year levels.
Thank you to all who participated in the Herald Sun Run for The Kids. We did this to support Chase Morgan and his family. Please see the pics from the day!
Mrs. Cayley Blair is off on Family Leave expecting her third child. Yesterday was Cayley’s last day and our staff put on a beautiful Morning Tea for Cayley and wished her well. We look forward to meeting Cayley’s newest baby next term!
Mrs. Sheree Werrett has made the decision to finish her work with us at the end of this term. Sheree joined our team in 2023 teaching a year 5 class. In the time that Sheree has been with us she has shown great flexibility and dedication to her students and team of teachers that she plans and collaborates closely with.
Sheree expressed her desire to be fully present with her own two young children and found the competing demands she faced working in a classroom challenging. Sheree has therefore decided to step down from her position so that she can spend more quality time with her young family. Together with our staff and community I wish Sheree and her family much happiness. We have advertised Sheree's role (3 days a week), Mr Bigger will continue in his role as the Learning Specialist for Numeracy whilst continuing to teach 6C.
Term 1 was a HUGE term and our students have enjoyed much learning, fun and celebrations throughout the term. Some of our achievements throughout term 1 include:
- Our 2023 Foundation students started school and completed a whole term!! Well done to our Foundation students for your curiosity, resilience, and willingness to take part in all class and school activities!
- Start Up program – across the school students and teachers worked on ensuring an orderly and safe learning environments were established for all students.
- Year 3 – 6 House Cross Country. Students enjoyed a day of fun and competition. Well done to Hogan who came first!
- NAPLAN – our Year 3 and 5 students worked hard to complete the tests supported by their teachers, ES staff and parents.
- Robotics program for our year 5 /6 students continued this first term.
- Year 1 /2 students enjoyed a walking tour of Sunbury and the feedback from our teachers and community was that the behaviours of students were exemplary!
- Annual Easter Hat parade Year P-2. So much fun was had by all our students and teachers. We thank our Easter Bunny – who visited us and brought so many smiles to the faces of our children. Our resident Easter Bunny (Damian Hodor) was fabulous!
- Harmony Week celebrations. Our Wellbeing team capably led by Mrs. Donna Matthews organised some wonderful events throughout the week to celebrate this year’s theme of “We all belong”.
- Victorian container deposit scheme, our school started collecting cans where 10 cents per can goes towards our Kismet Park account.
- Easter Hat parade was a hit. Our annual year P-2 Easter hat parade was so much fun!!
- Expansion of our Lunchtime clubs. At Kismet our lunchtime clubs have been in place for a few years however this year we have more than one lunchtime club running every lunchtime.
- Swimming Carnival where Mitchell Clarke made it to regionals and then went on to state finals.
- GRIP student leadership conference. Ms Tabone together with our Captains and JSC is now following up on this day of learning and will implement a whole school improvement project.
- Our Indigenous Garden received more plants and our students have been picking the mint, potatoes and carrots and enjoying these vegetables.
We are proud of the learning and work that our students take part in every single day, we are grateful for the support of our families as we continue to work in partnership for the benefit of our students.
I wish to congratulate and thank our newly appointed 2024 School Council and congratulate Mr. Sean Bassett on being re-elected as our School Council President. Sean is passionate about making a difference to our school community and I look forward to working closely with Sean and all our school councillors. Thank – you to Louise Cashen our PCA President and our entire PCA team for their commitment and fundraising efforts this past term.
I wish every student, educator, and parent/carer a safe and restful Easter break.
I look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday 15th of April.
Warmest Regards,
Kathy Cvitkovic
‘Building the foundations for success and happiness’.