Principal Message

Term 2

From the Principal’s Desk


Dear Mitcham Primary School Community,


As part of our ongoing commitment to enhancing the student experience and fostering a positive start to the school day, we are excited to announce an adjustment to our morning routine.


After careful observation and reflection, the staff at Mitcham Primary School have noted the importance of allowing students to interact freely with their peers, engage in social activities, and expel any excess energy upon arrival at school. As a result, we have decided to implement a change to our morning routine.


Starting from Monday 22nd April, when the gates open at 8:30 am, students will no longer be required to proceed straight to their classrooms. Instead, they will be encouraged to drop off their bags at their designated line-up area and then enjoy 10 minutes of teacher-supervised playtime in the school yard. This playtime will provide opportunities for students to engage in physical activity, such as a few laps of the sports field, shooting hoops, playing on the monkey bars, or simply walking and chatting with friends.


At 8:42 am, music will be played as a signal to students that their free playtime is coming to an end, and they should start lining up. Finally, at 8:45 am, the bell will ring, signaling the start of the school day. Classroom teachers will then meet their students at the line-up area and bring them inside to begin their day of learning.


We believe that these adjustments will not only reduce late arrivals but also increase student independence, encourage physical activity, and promote social interaction among our students. We are confident that this change will contribute to a more positive and productive start to each school day.


Thank you for your support and cooperation as we strive to create the best possible learning environment for our students.


In summary - Prior to 8:45am…

08:30- Gates open by allocated teacher, student supervision (yard duty) by the allocated teacher, students place bags in line (straight in locker on a rainy day), students have time to play in the yard or chat to friends in the line up areas.

08:40- Music plays, teachers head outside to the line up area, students lined up, students taken into the classroom. 

From 8:45am onwards (in classrooms) the classroom routine may include… 

  • Students are taken into their classrooms and to commence completing their ‘Morning Jobs’ together (diaries in tub, reader, water and brain food on table).
  • Students all come together to greet one another and their teacher and take the roll. 
  • Teachers share the day’s tasks and students commence the day’s learning activities.

*Please make every effort to arrive at 8.30am, so that your children can enjoy the opportunity to exercise and socialize before learning starts.


Student Safety During Drop Offs and Pick Ups


As we navigate the busy drop off and pick up times at our school, it's crucial to prioritise student safety above all else. We kindly remind parents to ensure that their children are taught to cross the road at the correct crossing spots, and to carefully navigate through the car park area and to never run. We encourage all parents to model polite and safe behaviors when dropping off or picking up their children, as this sets a positive example for our students. Let's work together to create a safe environment for everyone at Mitcham Primary School.


Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter.


Caring for one another during difficult times


The welfare of both ourselves and our students remains a top priority. Hearing about the tragic events that occurred during a routine Saturday morning in Bondi Junction, coupled with the ongoing crises in Ukraine and the Middle East, was deeply saddening. 


Given the natural concern and unease that community members may feel regarding recent events, especially considering the Bondi Junction incident, it's important to recognize that these events can impact families in various ways. Therefore, it's essential to highlight the availability of diverse resources to provide support and guidance in navigating conversations with children about distressing news stories. 


As young people increasingly engage with the world through news and social media, they become more aware of global events, emphasising the significance of fostering open discussions and providing appropriate support.


Common advice for discussions with your child include:

-Make the time to hold discussions with your child. 

-Use curiosity to begin the conversation 'how do you feel about...', 'do you have any questions about...'

-Listen actively and without judgement.

-Answer honestly and reassure them they are safe. 

-Have dedicated 'no news' and 'no social media' time to switch off from the events. Engage in other activities together. 

-Help seek from external services if needed. 

Further Resources for parents/carers

School Enrolments for 2025


Our school is receiving many applications for both our Montessori and Mainstream programs, so if you have children already at Mitcham Primary School and a little one about to start Prep next year, please contact the office, and enrol now. Or if you know of a friend whose child is at kindergarten, and is expecting them to start here in 2025, please let them know that enrolments are being taken now and if they would like a tour of the school to please contact the office.


Wishing all families a lovely weekend!

