Year 2 Team

Our adventures in year 2 so far..
We have had an awesome start to Year 2! The students have been busy settling into the Learning Community and establishing new friendships. We have been focussing on building routines, getting organised for learning, and setting ourselves up for success by choosing the best spot for us.
In English, our learning has been all about building strong reading skills. We've been working hard on reading fluency with our buddies, aiming to read smoothly and expressively. We’ve also been reading class stories based upon recounts and used these as inspiration to plan and draft our own recounts. In Spelling, our focus has been on silent letters, learning how they sneak into words and impact the way we spell them.
In Maths, we have explored the concepts of place value and data. We've been learning how to understand and organise digits based on their place in a number. We've enjoyed conducting surveys, collecting information, and creating graphs to represent our findings.
We’ve also been lucky enough to have a few special events already this year. We have participated in Cross Country and the Colour Run. It was great to see the students’ enthusiasm and energy at both events. We are very proud of the effort they all put in and the resilience they showed. Special mention to our ribbon winners for Cross Country; Congratulations to Achol, Ava, Tahlia, Eliyas, Josh and Noah.
It's been a rewarding term full of exploration and growth! Keep up the great work superstars, we can’t wait to see what you'll achieve as the year progresses.
The Year 2 team