Teaching and Learning

Congratulations to all the Grade 3 and 5 students who have completed NAPLAN over the past few weeks. They all worked really hard and tried their best.
End of Term
Every class has had a great term of learning. It has been awesome to see how each student has grown over the past nine weeks and the knowledge they have gained.
Over the next two weeks of holidays, it is time for the students to rest and get ready for the new term.
We encourage students to still be reading daily during the school holidays.
Pre-service Teachers
As part of a teaching degree, undergraduate students engage in professional placements. We endeavour to partner with universities to support these placements.
Next term, we will be working with LaTrobe University to support some pre-service teachers. We will have Miss Storm Shaddick joining the F/1/2 classroom and Miss Harpreet Singh joining the Grade 3/4 classroom.
During this time these university students will be observing lessons, running small groups and building up to teaching some whole class lessons in week 2.