This fortnight in Gr 5/6, we have been busy rehearsing the Liturgy for Palms Sunday and Holy Thursday, The Last Supper. They performed this last Friday, and thankfully Mrs Jameison recorded it. I was so proud that the students persevered in learning their lines and positions in the play. Thank you to Ms Parry for helping us with the script and lending us one of her microphones at the last minute. They will continue to remember this experience for many years to come.
In Maths, we have been looking at strategies to add friends of ten, e.g. 1=9 =10, 2+8 =10, etc., and decimals, when adding more significant numbers. This concept may seem easy to grasp, but they can only work with more significant numbers once students can. We have started working on using the retrieval chart on the concepts we have learned in class this term. I was also impressed by the way the Gr 5 conducted itself with the NAPLAN testing - as Taya said “it is all finished for them now until Year 7!” The maths the students have been working on has come directly from a past Gr 5 NAPLAN test in preparation for these tests.
In English, the students worked on punctuation, responding to literature, and watching a fairy tale clip, stating whether it was written in the first, second, or third person. The Gr 5s are currently working on a letter to Mr Ryan persuading him why they should be a Fire Carrier for our school, while the Gr 6's are writing a letter to a teacher or ESO within the school persuading them why they are writing to them—what qualities make them good at their jobs.
Gr 5 /6 has been finalising what they would like to do their ERP on, followed by writing questions. They are working hard to complete them in time for the Expo on Wednesday, which we hope you can make. I have asked the students to make their ERP end product something other than a Diorama or poster this time. They have had to come up with another way to present their findings. This condition is an added challenge, one they are up to.
Yesterday, the Grade 5/6 students were fantastic in their conduct at the Athletics Carnival in Shepparton. They were excellent role models to the rest of the school and the wider community. Other parents and teachers from different schools commented on their manners and how friendly they were towards other students in their year level. Congratulations to Grade 5 /6.
I hope you all have a restful Easter break and some good family time during the School holiday; ready for a great start to Term 2 with lots of learning and the Camp in May.