The F/1/2 class have been having an eventful two weeks of learning, where the students have their ability to adapt to changes in schedules.
Over the past few weeks, we have had lots of learning and fun.
In Maths, we have been learning about time. The students have been learning about comparing duration of times for events and how to order events/times throughout the day. The students really enjoyed working with their buddies on some timed challenges. The students have also been learning about how to read a calendar.
In English, the students have been focusing on their handwriting. We are working on forming our letters correctly and sitting them on the line.
In Subject Focus, we have continued learning about weather. We have turned our attention to focus on making predictions about weather and identifying appropriate clothing and activities for different weather.
Our sport/Bluearth has concluded our unit on Athletics. It was great to see the students participating in the Athletics Carnival yesterday. It was a great way to round off the unit. I was so proud of all of the students in how they tried their hardest, demonstrated good sportsmanship and interacted well with the other schools.
The students have also participated in our Eddie’s Lil’ homies virtual incursion. Some of the students were very excited when they recognised Eddie Betts as a football player. It was a great session that taught the students about friendship, and identifying their own unique talents.
In Walker Learning, the students have been extending on their learning and connecting their experiences to our learning intentions. In the bakery, the students have helped develop an open hours schedule as one of our provocations, which they have been referencing in their play. The students also thought that the bakery needed a door, so they have been using the construction blocks to create walls and doors. They used great problem solving skills in their ability to make the walls/doors safe.
In the coming weeks, we have a lot of learning and events planned.
This Wednesday (27th March), the F/1/2 students will be having their class Easter Egg hunt.
On Thursday (28th March), it is the Project Compassion PJ day, please bring in a gold coin donation, and students can wear their PJs. It is also the last day of term.
Coming up next term, we will be having a pre-service teacher in our classroom. Miss Shaddick will be joining us for the first two weeks of term 2.
On the first day of term 2, Mrs Parry will also be away and Mrs Morse will be teaching the class. The F/1/2 students will be leading a prayer service in the afternoon (Time to be confirmed). We are aiming for any reading parts to go home by the last day of term, so that they can be practised over the holidays.
In Maths, we are starting to learn about patterns. We will be focusing on colour, shape and number patterns. Our base learning outcomes across all three year levels will be:
- For students to: recognise, copy and continue patterns.
- For students to: skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s.
- For students to: describe number patterns and connect them to addition and subtraction.
You can support your child/ren in this area by practising their counting patterns and creating patterns with objects.
Next term in Subject Focus, we will be focusing on Design and Technology through the lens of food and farming.