Semper Sursum Awards 

Awards Week 6


0A          Lottie Dowsett                 Smashing out her first school sports day showing excellent resilience and enthusiasm.   Well done!

0A          Emmy Kemp                     Excellent focus during Sounds Write sessions and for her clever demonstration at our Prep BBQ.

3/4A      Abigail Trimnell               Being a thoughtful member of 3/4A.

3/4A      Anabella Doherty            Being a great team player!

Art         Caleb Reid                         Excellent painting and sculpting in the Artroom.

Art         Jack Thomas                    A brilliant “Alice in Wonderland” painting.

Art         Hannah Shepherd           An amazing charcoal tree drawing.

1/2D     Willa McIntosh                 Super Team Spirit at Sports Day.

1/2D     Hazel Clarke                     Super helper at Sports Day.

TRP        Oscar Phan                     Oscar offered kind words and support on the School Sports Day when his friend felt disappointed after an event.  Thank you for showing empathy and kindness towards others Oscar. Keep up the great work!