From the Principal

Welcome back to term 2. This term will see us preparing spaces, teachers and students to welcome our new Mid year Entry receptions under the State Government's new Mid Year Entry Program. Students will be integrated into our existing classrooms in term 3, with targeted sessions for Early Literacy programs being held to support our newest learners, and transition programs for new students happening this term. From the start of Term 3, our new arrivals will have the opportunity to learn about school routines, classroom capabilities and social skills with their peers, and still receive a targeted literacy program to prepare them for a full year of reception in 2025. Its an exciting time for our Reception team, who are working hard to ensure that the newest students are welcomed and supported by both staff and peers as they begin their learning at WGS.
At the end of Term 2 we also send reports home. This year we will be using a new online reporting template. The aim is to provide the same information as our traditional reports, but delivered digitally directly to families. The format of the reports will be similar to current reporting templates, with only minor changes. We would ask that in preparation for the new reports, you update your contact details with the school if needed, to ensure we have the correct email details to deliver these reports. Please contact the Front office if you need any help with this.
Reconciliation week will be held in week 5, from May 27 to June 3. The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is ongoing.
As a school, we will be engaging in a range of class, whole school and community activities around this week, and we look forward to sharing our learning in our whole school assembly.
Finally, a reminder that students leaving us in 2025 to go to High school need to fill in their Registration of Interest for Secondary School forms and send them in. Time flies and even though it is the beginning of term 2, and the preparations for your child's next step are well under way. If you need any support, please contact the School and ask for Ms Mitkas.