Student News

Student Executive BBQ

Art Creative Practice

Students studying Units 1- 4 are working on their folio's.

The Unit 3 students are working on a theme of their own choice. While the Unit 1 students are exploring the medium of water colour.


Students have been interviewing people around the school to practice the skills involved in journalism. Hannah has put together an engaging piece, demonstrating the ability to ask questions which capture the essence of a person and event.


By Hannah Edwards

On the 2nd and 3rd of March some students and staff members participated in the Mount Beauty Gravity Enduro. The students that participated were Evie Armitage, Tom Docherty, Mack Hull and Lucas Anderson. The teacher that participated was Mr. Davies.


Interview with Evie Armitage

How was practice day?

“It was enjoyable but dusty, I enjoyed the unlimited shuttles”

What was your favorite run?

“Stage 4, Big Hill Down Hill to Rolling Stones”

What was your least favorite?

“Stage 3, Ooh La La to Blair Witch”

How did it feel to win?

“It felt like a self-achievement”

If there was anything you could say about the weekend, what would it be?

“There were great volunteers and marshals”

Would you do it again?

“Yes, I would do it again”


Interview with Mr. Davies

Did you enjoy the practice day?

“Yes, but didn't get told about the unlimited shuttles till late”

Favorite stage?

“Stage 4, Big Hill Down Hill to Rolling Stones”

What was your least favorite?

“Stage 3, Ooh La La to Blair Witch. It was my slowest run”

Anything else you would like to say?

“I liked the Cliff Bars”

Would you do it again?

“Definitely if it runs again, I will do it”

The Power of Paint

These students are creating tonal portraits. 

Form is achieved by using a variety of different values of black to white.


This week, junior science students delved into the world of chemical reactions through an engaging activity with Alka Seltzer tablets, guided by the expertise of Shantelle Stimson. They explored how changing conditions, like temperature and the tablets' surface area, affects the speed of a chemical reaction. This activity was a great example of learning through exploration, showcasing the relevance of chemistry in everyday life.


Year 7 Science teacher, Andrew Greenfield, engaged his students with this egg-citing practical where a cooked egg is magically sucked into a flask, whole and unbroken.

As the paper inside the flask burns, it heats the air, causing it to expand and push some of the air out. When the flame goes out, the air cools down and contracts, creating a vacuum that pulls the egg into the flask.

All the World's a Stage

Students have been busy rehearsing for the play - The Mystery of the Opal Heist. This will be performed in Jessie Hollonds Studio on Tuesday the 14th and Wednesday the 15th of May at 7pm each night. Details for tickets are to be advised in Term 2, and it is shaping up to be a great performance.