Making Jesus Real

GTS- Greet-Treat-Speak


Our Making Jesus Real focus for the first three weeks of this term is; 

GTS- Greet, Treat and Speak to others nicely. 


The teachers will be looking for students who are always greeting, speaking and treating others in a kind and respectful manner, just like Jesus did.


When Jesus was alive and he was teaching people about God, he said:


" I want you to treat others the way I would treat you".  


So when we Greet, Treat and Speak to each other it should always be like Jesus with kindness and respect.






The following students have been awarded an MJR Award this Week.


Lincoln Thorpe - Year 6 (5/6 Beks)


Piper Lane - Year 4 (3/4 Dainton)


Wol Madan - Year 1 (F/1 Weber)


Zara Kyriakou - Year 1 (1/2 Nicholson)