AFL Footy Tipping Competition


There is still time to register for the St Agne's  P&F footy tipping. Please click on the button below to register for Footy tips this season


There is a $25 entry fee, with $15 going towards prizemoney and $10 to the P&F. Please pay your entry fee promptly to avoid point deductions. 


St Agnes' P&F Bank details:

BSB: 083-347

Account No: 173 603 985

Reference: Initial and Surname




Easter Bonnet Parade - Thursday 28th March

To celebrate Easter and the last day of term, there will be an Easter bonnet parade. The children will parade their hats just after the morning bell. This is a great opportunity for families to work together with your children and put together a creation, or just dust-off last years! If you are short on inspiration, there are plenty of websites to help you out.


Easter Raffle

The P&F are holding an Easter raffle to be drawn at the Easter bonnet parade. There are 3 great hampers to be won! To purchase a raffle ticket, please click the link below:



How many Easter Eggs are in the jar?

To enter our very egg-citing Easter competition, all you have to do is guess how many eggs are in the jar. The jar will be displayed at the school office (reception). The correct guess will win the jar of eggs and will be announced at the Easter bonnet parade. Click on the button below to enter your guess (or guesses):




To commemorate ANZAC day on Thursday 25th April, poppy merchandise will be available to purchase at the school office. ANZAC biscuits will also be sold during that week. All funds raised will be donated to the Highett RSL. Further info to be provided via your class reps in Term 2.


Mother's & Special Friends' Day Events


Stall - Friday 3rd May

Students will have the opportunity to purchase a gift for their mum or special someone at our Mother's & Special Friends' Day stall. Further info to follow.


Breakfast - Thursday 9th May

The St Agnes' dads will be cooking a special breakfast for mums, grandmothers, special friends and children. Tickets will be available to purchase beginning Term 2. Further info to follow.

Icy Poles

Icy Poles

On sale every Friday after school in Terms 1 and 4. Please contact your class rep(s) if you can help set up and sell icy poles. All helpers must have a current WWCC.


Icy poles are also on sale at lunchtime on Mondays. 


Cost: Zooper Doopers 50c and Icy Poles $1.50

Each class is rostered on and we require 2-3 volunteers to help set up and sell icy poles for 20 minutes. Please contact your class rep if you can assist. All helpers must have a current WWCC.


March - 

15th - Grade 4 (Vesna / Georgie)

22nd - Grade 3 (Jess / Natalie)