Star Students 

Well done everyone on your amazing efforts! 

Hunter O      5/6IFor always being a kind & respectful classmate.
Clair S5/6IFor amazing effort at athletics day.
Tayla C5/6HFor your increased effort during writing sessions.
Jacob D5/6HFor increased focus during class time.
Heidi P3/4FFor her ability to work collaboratively with anyone in the class.
Lucas G3/4FFor his enthusiastic participation in Maths.
Daisy L3/4FFor persistence and creativity in writing.
Tate W3/4FFor his creative story telling.
Ollie M00AFor always being kind.
Maeve T00AFor reaching level 4 in Blitzmaster.
Shae W00AFor always being organised.
Angelina R3/4EFor showing improvement with her hand writing.
Freddy D3/4EFor showing improvements with our Blitzmaster Session.
Ruby C3/4EFor always being an organised and responsible learner.
Mia M00BFor hard work and love of Learning.
Tanner T2DFor an incredible first few weeks at Launch.
Koby F2DFor his amazing work with time.
Annalia G1/2CFor having beautifully neat work books.
Bailey C1/2CFor a great start to term 2.
Nell S1/2CFor always working hard and trying her best.
Taylor H3/4FFor his enthusiastic and positive attitude to learning.
Levi F3/4FFor excellent effort in Blitz Master.
Bailey F5/6HFor your hard work during Division Lessons.
Jesse J5/6HFor challenging yourself during Maths.
Chloe M5/6GFor amazing effort at athletics day.
Darcy R5/6GFor stepping out of your comfort zone in Maths sessions.
Mitchell O5/6GFor always being willing to have a go.
Hudson R5/6GFor getting started on your work straight away.
Ayla G5/6GFor completing an outstanding writing piece.
AJ5/6GFor trying his best when learning addition.
Jake R5/6IFor outstanding effort in all work tasks.