Principal's Message

Welcome back folks to Term Two! It has been a joy to see everyone return and get straight back into learning, interacting and enjoying each other’s company. Lovely to hear about what you all got up to over the break, I hope you were each able to enjoy some family time over Easter.
Towards the end of last term I communicated to families though Compass that Mrs Sturre had resigned from her position teaching the additional day across the three Year 5/6 classes at Launch. We wish Danielle all the best.
Whilst we advertised the Year 5/6 position at the conclusion of Term One, we are yet to find a suitable longer term replacement. We will continue to work in this space and communicate you as we have more information.
I also regret to inform you that Kaori Bawden, our Japanese teacher has decided not to return this term. Lachy McDonald, our PE teacher will take over teaching these additional sessions for our students until we are able to recruit a permanent replacement.
Mother and Special Friends Day Event
We warmly invite our mothers and carers to our Mother's Day afternoon on Monday 6th May from 3:30 – 4:30pm to celebrate the wonderful women in our school community. Come and enjoy a cuppa, chat and a special junior and senior school performance. Tea, coffee and a delicious afternoon tea will be provided. Forms have been sent home asking families to RSVP.
Education Week: Monday 13th – Friday 17th May
Monday 13th May sees the beginning of ‘Education Week: Spotlight on STEM’ and we have so much happening at Launch that we would love you all to be involved with:
Monday 13th – Open Afternoon 3:45 – 4:45PM – Please stay behind after school and join in some fun activities in classrooms.
Tuesday 14th – Teddy Bears’ Picnic 2:00 - 3:00pm (2025 Prep students)
Thursday 16th – Grandparents’ Day
Friday 17th – Special Assembly, Year 5/6 Film Festival and Book Fair Visits for classes
Stay tuned for more details on Compass.
Financial support for Education items
Just a reminder, staff at school are always keen to help families experiencing financial distress. From food parcels, to uniform support and payment plans for camps and excursions, there are many supports we can access to assist. Email
School Communication
Our school communications will continue to predominantly flow through Compass as the first port of call, so I encourage families to make sure they have this app and/or access the platform regularly via their internet browser. This is where you will find notices, check the school calendar, receive our fortnightly newsletters, and updates via your newsfeed. Our website also contains valuable information. Whilst the purpose of the website is to provide generalised information, it is another reference point for families.
Our first assembly for this term will be held next Friday 26th April. We would love to see you there.
Please remember:
- School Photos are tomorrow - please ensure your school uniform is on point.
- Next Wednesday 24th April is a Curriculum Day, so students are not required at school. Teachers will be engaging in learning around supporting student wellbeing and maintaining positive learning environments.
- Next Thursday 25th April is ANZAC day and hence a public holiday.
- Tuesday 7th May is a Professional Practice Day for Launch staff, students are not required at school. Teachers will be engaging in learning around the effective teaching of Writing.
Virtual Tour
See you around our place,
Laura Caddy