Wellbeing & Engagement 

Today is a great day to be you!

Term 2 'Gratitude' Focus

Welcome back for Term 2!


This term, as a whole school, we are putting time and effort into actively demonstrating gratitude - and strongly scaffolding our students to do the same. As many of you will know, gratitude is one of the key pillars of The Resilience Project, which we use as part of our whole school Wellbeing program. In classrooms, specialist spaces, from leadership, the office - we are approaching this from all angles - you will hear and see gratitude on show!


We ask for your support here - as parents and carers, you are a big part of this! We would love to see frequent positive conversations being held at home. We encourage you to have a chat over the dinner table each night, using the question "What went well?" You could even be more specific, such as "What went well in maths today?", "What went well in Music?"... as parents, we've all used the "How was school?" question and received a one word response of 'fine'. "What went well?" essentially activates positive thinking and triggers the mind to think more deeply about the day and identify a positive moment to share. It encourages students to elaborate and give more information than just a one word  response. And it encourages a 'glass half full' mindset instead of 'glass half empty'.


And the great thing is, there is an evidence-base to this! Research has shown that framing positive responses (written or verbal) for just 21 days in a row can have significant positive mental health outcomes. 


We would love to hear some feedback on how your family has got onboard the 'gratitude train'! Going further, if you have any ideas you already use at home to actively show gratitude, please contact us and let us know - sharing these across the school community would be wonderful.

Student Leaders - ANZAC Service

Last Friday, our School and Voice Captains were fortunate enough to attend Legacy's 92nd Annual ANZAC Student Commemoration event, held at the Shrine of Remembrance. They attended with over 300 other primary and secondary schools from around Victoria. 

Our student leaders represented the school with pride. They participated in the ceremony by laying a wreath at the base of the eternal flame and also had the opportunity to tour the Shrine. All four took away deep learning about the past and of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us to be here today - living in a safe country. 


When we talk about gratitude, developing an understanding of what our veterans did to defend and protect our country really provides amazing perspective. We are very lucky.

The Resilience Project

On Monday afternoon, Phoebe from The Resilience Project visited the school to run

 professional learning with our staff. The session focused on 'Embedding TRP' and our next steps to ensure we support our students and families to prioritise learning in the area of wellbeing. 


It was a fantastic session and we look forward to continue to promote strategies and ideas for positive mental health outcomes for our community.


RAFT Camp Out

What an amazing event last weekend! We were lucky with the weather and had an amazing turn out - over 180 attendees! Thank you to all of our Rangeview families for getting involved and enjoying each others' company for this big RAFT event.

A huge shout out to Simon Tan, Tim Kirke and Byron Wilding for their work as our RAFT leaders. They put significant time and effort into planning every detail and ensuring the families who attended had a memorable experience. It was great to see so many smiles!


Children’s Counselling Services

The EACH Youth and Family Counselling Team provides FREE counselling support to

 children (aged 0 to 12 years) and their families who live, work, study or play in the City of Whitehorse.


Counsellors can assist with issues relating to (but not limited to):

  • Parent and child relationships
  • Parenting
  • Social and Emotional wellbeing
  • Grief and Loss
  • Anxiety and Self Esteem

EACH counsellors are available Monday to Friday 9am-5pm with telehealth and face-to-face appointments available.


To make a referral to the EACH Youth & Family Counselling Team please call 1300 003 224 or email youthandfamilyvic@each.com.au

Nunawading Community Hub: 96-106 Springvale Road, Nunawading


Liam Sommers

Assistant Principal

Wellbeing and Engagement