Year 5 Report

Term 1 2024

Well done on another successful term! We have had a busy term with fun events such as Harmony Day, Colour Run and Family Picnic. The students have worked hard and shown great growth both academically and socially. The Grade 5 team are very proud!



This term in Reading we have been focusing on the skills and strategies that good readers use to help with decoding and comprehension. We have started by looking at inferencing and will move on to identifying the theme in the text. Just a reminder that students need to be reading for half an hour each night and write it in their diary. 



Over this term our genres of writing have been Persuasive and Narratives. We are currently working on both the revising and publshing stage of writing. This work will help students develop skills that will help them in all areas of writing in the future. In our final week students will have an opportunity to celebrate the writing they have produced over the term by presenting it to their peers which will support the speaking skills. 

During our Word Study sessions we will continue to focus on areas such as word choice to build the students knowledge of more complex words. We will also focus on punctuation within sentences, such as when to use commas, full stops and capital letters. 





We started this term with a unit on, Addition and Subtraction. We have looked at different strategies that the student can use to solve addition and subtraction problems. Some of the strategies will include: Take and Give, Round and Adjust, Break one Addend apart and Starting from the left to subtract. Throughout the unit we will also apply our new strategies to help us solve word problems. We are ending the term by explore the concepts of multiplication and division. Students are furthering the knowledge of being able to represent both concepts as groups, repeated addition, number lines, vertical algorithms and fact families. 




Our unit on the Australian government and what makes a global citizen has continued throughout this term. We have explored some of issues related to our environment and are now beginning to inquire into how we can make a real change. We will investigate how a bill is formed and taken through each level of government. Students will learn through hands on experiences including electing a class prime minister and writing letters to our local Hume member.




  • School starts at 8.50am. We still have a lot of late comers. Being regularly late negatively affects learning.
  • Read each night for 30 minutes. Please record reading in students diaries so teachers can monitor the students reading.
  • Mangahigh website- can be used by students to practice their numeracy skills
  • 5/6 Camp. Notes have gone out. Please return as soon as possible if you wish to secure a spot.