Year 3/4 Report

Term 1 2024

What a great way to start our 2024! 


This term the 3/4s have read and wrote a variety of persuasive texts with the aim of convincing an audience to agree with our opinions. Students wrote about whether or not we should have homework, if we should have pets and a free choice topic that students feel passionate about. 

In Reading, students have practiced reading with fluency, expression, intonation and emphasis. Grade 3/4s have also developed their skills in reading strategies to break down, chunk or re read the words we are unsure about.


In Numeracy this term, the Grade 3/4s have explored the place value system through a variety of maths games and problem solving challenges. Grade 3/4s have also developed their knowledge of number and dot talks, and have begun to record their reflections and thinking in their maths journals.  Students have also explored the concept of measurement by exploring meter rulers and applying this new knowledge to the measurement of different things in their world. 


This Term, students have begun to explore their computers and the different online platforms we use at Roxy. As we have continued the Term, Grade 3/4s have begun to research and learn about cyber bullying and cyber safety. This learning and research will continue into Term 2 as well. 


  • School beings at 8.50am each day
  • Please read with your child for 10 or more minutes each night
  • Tuesday, 16th of April a camp parent information session will occur at 3.30pm in the library