Around the School  - The Office, Library, Canteen!

Financial Support for Students

Camps Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)

Families on certain types of benefits cards are eligible to receive $150 for each primary school student.  If your child received CSEF in 2023, their application should have automatically processed for this year.  If your child has not received CSEF in the past, then you should complete a new application form.  These forms are available from the office, or you can down load them from the link below:


If you are unsure if your child is currently receiving CSEF, please contact the office, and we can check for you.


State Schools' Relief (SSR)

SSR is a charitable organisation that assists students who are in situations fo financial disadvantage.  They can assist with the provision of uniform for students in need. 


If you need to utilise SSR, please contact the office, and you will be given assistance.


2024 Prep Uniform Packages

One of the ways that SSR supports families is through the provision of uniform packages for prep students, where the family received CSEF.


If you have a child in prep, and they are receiving CSEF, Kate will be contacting you to supply you with an application form for the pack.

Curriculum Contributions

Thank you to all the families who have made curriculum contributions.  The school provides all items that your child needs to fulfil the standard curriculum requirements.  However, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can continue to offer the best possible education and support for our students, through high quality literacy and library resources and numeracy materials that support student learning.


The School Council set curriculum contribution requests at $190 per student for 2024. While the contributions are voluntary, they do assist the school with the supply of educational materials for students.  We welcome any contribution you are able to manage.

From First Aid

Head Lice

Head lice are a common problem within school environments.  In order to control the spread of head lice, students with longer hair need to have their hair tied up.  Please ensure your child's hair is tied back if it can be.


In the event of your child being found to have head lice, you will be asked to collect your child from school and treat their hair. Fay from First Aid will provide advice and assistance on what action needs to be taken.


Medical Conditions and Medications

Just a reminder that if your child has any medical conditions, the school should be made aware of them.  Also, if your child has any medication that they need to take while at school, Fay in First Aid needs to be contacted so that the medication is properly stored, administered and registered in line with Department of Education requirements.  This includes any medication your child may need for asthma.  All medical conditions that need to be managed during school time also need have plans developed.  


If your child has any medical conditions that require medication administration, please contact the school and ask to speak to Fay.

Early Pick Up of Students

Please remember - if your child needs to leave school early, they need to be picked up before 2:45 pm.  The office will not call students out of class for early collection after 2:45.

Camps - Years 3/4 and 5/6

Two exciting camps are happening this year.   


The year 3/4 students are being given the opportunity to attend a camp at Gembrook from Wednesday, 7th August to Friday, 9th August.  The camp costs at total of $300 per student, and covers transport, accommodation, food and activities.  Only 55 students are able to attend this camp.  Forms have already been distributed, and places are filling fast.  If you want your child to attend the camp, you will need to return the form, along with making a deposit, as soon as possible.  Once all places are filled, students who return their forms will be placed on a waiting list to back fill spots if a student becomes unable to attend.


The year 5/6 students will be going to Phillip Island from Monday, 28th October to Wednesday, 30th October.  This camp has a total cost of $320, and also covers all transport, food, accommodation and activities.  The camp is filling fast, and there are only 55 places.  Like the 3/4 camp, to secure your place, the form needs to be returned with a deposit.  Once the camp is filled, students will be placed on a waiting list to back fill positions, should any become available.


REMEMBER - CSEF can be used to pay for camp!


See you Term 2

Remember: Term 1 finishes on Thursday, 28th March, at 2:30 pm.


We look forward to welcoming all students back before 8:50 am on Monday, April 15, for term 2.