Community Hub

Connect, share and learn - RPPS Hub 

Upcoming programs in Term 2

Get ready for our women's-only swimming program. It's a chance for women to learn and swim together in a supportive environment. You can improve your swimming skills and feel more confident. Join us to learn, connect with others, and have fun in the water!


Contact Alaa in the hub ASAP, spots are running out fast!










Join us for a workshop on parenting in the digital world. We'll share practical advice to help you navigate technology with your family. Learn how to set limits on screen time and teach your kids to use technology responsibly. Don't miss out on this opportunity to prepare your family for the digital age! 

Click above to register your interest. Limited spots available!




Term 1 highlights

International Women's Day

Our community celebrated International Women's Day with a series of fun events. We started with a lively party at our community hub, where ladies shared food, danced and enjoyed each other's company. Next, we had formal dinner organised by Hume's Hub Leaders. We shared stories and celebrated the achievements of women. Finally, we wrapped up the celebrations with a relaxed picnic in the park, enjoying the outdoors together. These events brought us closer as a community and honoured the important role of women in our lives. It was a events full of joy and appreciation.


Term 1 programs

Sewing Class

In our sewing class, women learn essential sewing skills and unleash their creativity. With experienced instructors, they gain confidence crafting clothing, accessories, and more. Join us to express yourself through the art of sewing!


At our playgroup, we extend a warm welcome to new families joining our community. Through shared play and activities, parents and children alike quickly find connections and friendships that enrich their lives. Our inclusive atmosphere fosters a sense of belonging, ensuring that every family feels valued and supported. 


We run 2 morning and 2 afternoon playgroups every Tuesday and Thursday.

Community Cooking

A relaxed and casual environment for community members to come together, cook, socialise and share a meal.

English for Citizenship

Ready to become a citizen? Join our English for Citizenship class! Learn the language and knowledge you need for the citizenship process. Our friendly instructors will help you every step of the way.








English Conversation

Enhance your English conversation skills in our beginner and intermediate classes! Join us for engaging discussions and activities tailored to your level.