Performing Arts

Term one in Performing Arts has been a fun one with, with students learning how to play new instruments and embarking on the challenging journey of learning to read music. We have a very exciting start to term 2 coming up with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra coming to visit our school on April 23rd! Every student will have the opportunity to learn from these talented professional musicians, participate in a fun workshop, and learn about the orchestra. 


In term 1 Preps have been getting familiar with different classroom instruments and using them to create sound effects in stories. Students have also been learning about body percussion and how many different sounds they can create with their own bodies. They have been practicing moving to different styles of music, making shapes with their bodies to tell stories, and being safe in the Performing Arts room. 


Grade 1/2

We have come a long way with notation this term in Grade 1 and 2! Students have learnt to recognise three notes on the stave, and were able to use those notes to create their own songs to play on chime bars. They have also learnt to play and sing and play a number of songs, such as 'Lemonade, Crunchy Ice' and 'Doggie doggie, where's your bone?', by listening and also reading the notes on the stave. 


Grade 3/4

This term, Grade 3s and 4s have levelled up their notation and ukulele skills! They have learnt the string names of the ukulele, and the corresponding notes on the stave. Using this knowledge, students were able to create their own original compositions that they then played on the ukuleles. Grade 3s and 4s have learnt to sing and play four songs this term, as well as practicing their rhythm skills and consolidating their understanding of note duration. 

Grade 5/6

In the last few weeks, Grade 5s and 6s have been learning Chair Drumming - learning to play basic drumbeats using only 2 drumsticks, a chair, and their hands and feet. Most students were able to play a kick and snare drum pattern, and some students were even able to add a third part of the drum kit - the hi-hats. This requires a lot of focus and coordination. Some students were even able to transfer their skills onto the big acoustic drum kit! Additionally in Grade 6, students have begun their revision on placing notes on the musical stave and have been enjoying some physical rhythm activities.