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In Italian Term 1 was jam-packed with learning and enthusiasm. 


Through Term 2 Prep students will further develop their confidence in speaking and listening through stories, role-plays, and learning activities. Students will use rhythmic beats to sing simple chants and songs to practice their language skills. Also, during Term 2 Prep students will be learning names in Italian for body parts, colours and students will learn to count to 20 in Italian.

During Term 2 students in grades One and Two will be expanding on their knowledge of greetings. How to count to 30 in Italian, name colours and utilise proper pronunciation. Students will also learn how to express their preferences and dislikes, as well as family-related terms. Students will use rhythmic beats to sing simple chants and songs to practice their language skills.


During Term 2 students in grades Three and Four will continue to use greetings, ask and respond to questions about themselves and others and write simple sentences in Italian. Students will learn nouns relating to the family and ways of describing physical appearance, days of the week, months and seasons.



During Term 2 students in grades Five and Six will continue to ask and respond to questions about themselves. Students will write basic phrases regarding family ties and how to describe physical appearance. Chants, songs, and learning exercises will help students acquire confidence in spoken communication. In addition, students will learn to count to 60 in Italian.