Mission News
Mrs Anna Nasr
Mission News
Mrs Anna Nasr
We keep in our prayers all those who are unwell, those caring for others or mourning departed loved ones. May the spirit of God abide with all who suffer and may those who have died be welcomed into the peace of God’s heavenly kingdom.
As we enter the last week of the school year, the Mission team would like to thank all our families for their support throughout 2024. We are constantly amazed and grateful for the way our students get involved and the importance they place on their spirituality and “faith in action”. We’re looking forward to 2025 and continuing to work with our community to bring our Marist charism alive and living the Gospel in practical and compassionate ways. We wish you all peace and joy during this season of Advent and Christmas.
All are welcome to our Community Mass on Wednesday morning at 8:00am. This will be our final Community Mass for 2025.
Gospel from the Feast of Christ the King (John 18:33-37)
Pilate called Jesus over and asked,
"Are you the king of the Jews?"
Jesus answered,
"Are you asking this on your own or did someone tell you about me?"
"You know I'm not a Jew!" Pilate said.
"Your own people and the chief priests brought you to me.
What have you done?"
Jesus answered, "My kingdom doesn't belong to this world.
If it did,
my followers would have fought
to keep me from being handed over to you.
No, my kingdom does not belong to this world."
"So you are a king," Pilate replied.
"You are saying that I am a king," Jesus told him.
"I was born into this world to tell about the truth.
And everyone who belongs to the truth knows my voice."
The theme from last week continues this week with a focus on the end times. was called the feast of Christ the King, it marks the end of ordinary time. Next week the church will celebrate the beginning of the Church's year with the first Sunday of Advent.
The liturgical year culminates with a summary statement of the identity of Jesus - 'Christ the King.' As Christ, he is worthy of our worship. As King he is deserving of our service.
The themes of truth, authority, and the nature of Christ's kingdom come to the forefront. The passage depicts Jesus before Pilate, where the confrontation highlights the stark differences between worldly power and spiritual truth. Pilate’s inquiry, “Are you the king of the Jews?” prompts Jesus to redefine kingship, asserting that His reign is not of this world. This statement emphasises that His kingdom transcends earthly governance and is rooted in a profound spiritual reality.
The theme of truth is central, as Jesus declares, “For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth.” This declaration invites reflection on the nature of truth itself and challenges the reader to consider their own understanding of it. Pilate’s sceptical response, “What is truth?” underscores the philosophical struggle with truth in a world often dominated by doctrine and power dynamics.
Ultimately, the passage invites believers to contemplate the implications of living in a kingdom where truth is paramount and challenges the conventional metrics of authority and success. It encourages a deeper understanding of Christ’s mission and the call to bear witness to the truth in a world that frequently prioritises other values.
+ Dear Lord,
Thank You for the truth revealed in Your Son, Jesus Christ. As we reflect on His words before Pilate, help us to embrace the nature of His kingdom, one that transcends worldly power and seeks to embody love, justice, and peace. Grant us the courage to stand firm in our faith, to bear witness to the truth, and to seek Your guidance in our lives. May we always seek to understand and proclaim the truth that sets us free, and may our hearts and actions reflect the values of Your kingdom.
Mary our good mother – pray for us
St Marcellin Champagnat – pray for us
St Mary of the Cross MacKillop – pray for us
And may we always remember – to pray for one another.
Amen. +
As part of our 2025 Christmas Appeal fundraising for Vinnies and Downs and West we sold tickets for Staff and Student Christmas Hampers. Our Staff Hamper was drawn at our Monday morning Staff Briefing with Rachel Russo the lucky winner! The Student hamper will be drawn this week at Assembly.
For those who would still like to support our 2025 Christmas Appeal please donate via the following link: Christmas Appeal - Monitor Donation Link
Alternatively, students and staff can donate by visiting
MyMaristOnline Purchases > MCA Student Shop > Fundraising > 2024 MCA Christmas Appeal
Eight of our Year 11 students—Lachie, Francis, George, Ben, Daniel, Ted, Cameron and Cooper—will set off on immersion to Cambodia on Friday morning, joined by staff members Mr KolkenbeckRuh and Mr Lymer. We’re grateful to have the coordination of Catholic Mission’s Immersion team and the amazing support of Thao, who will be the group’s guide and facilitator in-country. Our pilgrims were joined by their families to be commissioned at a liturgy recently. We’re confident the group will support each other, be openhearted and respectful, and together have an incredible experience. We looking forward to hearing their stories and reflection upon their safe return.
As the year comes to an end, we appreciate that many families may have stationery and old books lying around. If you’re doing a clean out, please bring your unwanted stationery items to school before the end of term and drop them off in the Stationery Aid donation bins located at the Mission Office or the Studies Office.
The Vinnies group will have a final meeting for 2024 on Wednesday 1st break in Room 801.