Learning and Teaching News
Ms Jen Smeed and Mrs Roxanne Rosenberg
Learning and Teaching News
Ms Jen Smeed and Mrs Roxanne Rosenberg
As it is our last newsletter for 2024, the Academic Care Team would like to thank the parents/guardians of Marist College Ashgrove for their support across the year. It is always wonderful working with your sons to ensure the best for their chosen academic pathways.
We wish you a happy, holy and safe Christmas break.
Name: Ben Hartfiel
Role: Gilroy Academic Captain
What do you want to do when you leave school?
Electrical Engineering at UQ, and then a career in the computer space.
Best study tip you use?
Getting good sleep the night before starting. I find it much easier to focus and retain what you're trying to get out of studying if you have the energy to focus on it.
When do you most like to study? Why?
I find it best to get a good chunk done early in the day when I don't have anywhere to be, so usually on a Saturday or Sunday between 7:00am to 2:00pm, with breaks in that interval.
What are you most looking forward to this year?
While it will be infinitely stressful in the lead up, I think the release of ATAR results at the end of the year will be the most anticipated part of my year.
What would you spend your last $20 on?
That is a really difficult question. I'd have to say a good dystopian/science-fiction book, or maybe a nice meal.
Name: George Kettle
Role: Slattery Academic Captain
What do you want to do when you leave school?
Likely something in Finance or Law.
Best study tip you use?
Have a plan. Making sure you know what you're going to study each night and mapping out your assignments before you start writing them up.
When do you most like to study? Why?
As soon as I get home, around 4:00pm if I have no training, then another block later (7-9 pm) as I work better at night.
What are you most looking forward to this year?
The big events: formal, graduation, etc.
What would you spend your last $20 on?
Backing a winner!
Semester 2 Academic Reports for Years 5-10 students will be released on Friday 6 December. Parent contacts will receive an email from the College advising when the reports are available on the Orbit App.
Year 11 students received their end of Unit 2 Academic Reports earlier this term so will not be receiving another report at this time. Their next Academic Report will be published after Unit 3.
Exam block continues this week for our students in Years 7-11 and will continue until the end of the day on Wednesday 27 November. Normal classes will run on Thursday 28 and Friday 29 November for all secondary students.
A reminder that if students are absent for an exam, a medical certificate is to be submitted for all year levels. Please also note that no exams will be sat prior to the scheduled exam block date. If your son misses his exam, he will make this up as soon as he is able to return to school, which may be the next day. For exams unable to be completed by the end of the year, an NR (no result) for that assessment item will be recorded. If your son is leaving school early and not returning, you must complete an Early Departure form.
In 2025 Marist College Ashgrove is partnering with Campion Education for all our stationery and book supplies.
The due date for orders is Wednesday 11 December. Any order placed by this date will be delivered free of charge to your home address and boarding families can have their packs delivered directly to the College.
The stationery lists are now available, and parents/guardians can order online at www.campion.com.au.
Please note there is a four-character code to access the 2025 resource lists (3GGK). Additional instructions are included below.
From 9:00am on Wednesday 11 December 2024, Year 12 students who have completed a QCAA subject in 2024 can access their final subject results and SEP (Student Education Profile) from their learning account in the Student Portal via the myQCE website at https://myqce.qcaa.qld.edu.au. Depending on students’ individual circumstances, their SEP will comprise one or more of the following documents:
From 9:00am on Friday 13 December, 2024 ATARs will be available from students’ ATAR accounts – www.qtac.edu.au. While students should have already signed into these accounts, if they haven’t, they will need their full name, date of birth, LUI number and personal email address ready to set up their account.
After ATARs are released, students can seek advice on QTAC applications by contacting Ms Jen Smeed at smeedj@marash.qld.edu.au or Mr Adam Knight at knighta@marash.qld.edu.au.
Student results and feedback for assessment items can be accessed at any time by parents on Parent Orbit. Term 3 assessment results and feedback for students in Years 5-10 are available via Parent Orbit. Please follow the steps below that highlight how to access your son’s results and feedback.