From the Principal

St Justin’s Primary School acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Australia's First People and Traditional Custodians of the land and waterways on which our school stands.
We pay our respects to the Bunurong people of the Kulin Nation, and their elders past and present, and emerging as we continue to proudly live and learn on their land.
St Justin's Primary School - Celebrating 40 years of Catholic Education
Dear Families and Friends,
Fair on the Hill - What a wonderful event
Thanks to all who helped make our Fair on the Hill such a wonderful event. Whilst it is a great money earner for our community, we know that it is much more than that. It helps build community and provides an opportunity for us all to get to know others that little bit more. Walking around during the day, listening to the talk, you soon realise that this is more than a money spinner; it’s about community achievement, a sense of pride and a real sense of belonging. Thanks again to everyone.
We’ve received some great feedback - not just about the magnificent performances, beautiful stalls, range of activities that provided “something for everyone” and outstanding food, but people commented on the wonderful sense of community - great spirit.
Thanks again to everyone involved. We should all be very proud.
Welcome Prep 2025
Today our 2025 Prep students had their second transition session. There were obviously very mixed emotions - some very nervous, others anxious whilst others walked in like they owned the place. Whatever the feeling, that's okay and the staff handled all emotions like the true professionals they are, making decisions with their head and their heart. By all reports, many students reported that it was "amazing" and they are very much looking forward to the remaining sessions. Prep 2025 students will be onsite again Thursday , 21st November, from 9.15-10.15am.
- Thursday 21st November: Prep Transition 3 (9:15am – 10:15am)
- Friday 29th November: Prep 2025 Orientation morning (9:15am – 12:00pm)
School Closure Day
A friendly reminder of the following date:
- Thursday 28th November - Staff Professional Learning Day -School Closure Day
Planning for 2025
Planning for 2025 is well underway. If you do not require a place for your child in 2025 (except Year 6), please email the office as soon as possible:
Stomach bugs
We have had a lot of children reporting to sickbay with vomiting/diarrhoea. Please be mindful of others and help prevent the spread.
How long should you stay off school with gastroenteritis?
Children are most infectious when symptomatic, but it is possible to pass on norovirus both before developing symptoms and after symptoms have stopped. This is why children should not attend school until 24 hours after the symptoms have stopped.
Dropping Off and Picking Up
Thanks to all those who always drop off and pick up in the correct zones. It is much appreciated and really helps keep everyone safe in our community. On Tuesday we almost had a serious accident, mainly because of the traffic coming in and out of the school, speeding vehicles and drivers on phones. The heavy fog certainly didn't help but sometimes, it's better to prepare our children for challenges in life (if walking up the path in foggy weather a challenge) rather than take a shortcut that puts others at risk. If the weather isn't the best (either too hot or too cold), plan for the conditions - a little bit like the pathway of life really.
Please be reminded that NOcars are to enter through the Whalley Drive school gates to drop off or pick up children, unless a prior arrangement has been made with the Principal.
A reminder that no car should enter the school grounds unless:
- accessing Before and After School Care.
- permission has been granted by the principal.
- picking up or dropping of students during class time.
- attending an event after school hours.
Please note:
- Parishioners will be arriving in the morning to attend Mass - they may park in the school grounds
- if it is and raining and cold weather, students should use a jacket or umbrella - using the school grounds to drop off and pick up can make things even more dangerous.
- the speed limit inside the school grounds is 5km/h - which is very slow.
Crossing not covered for next week
Due to an ongoing shortage of School Crossing Supervisors, there will be no supervisor available to cover the following dates & times:
19-11-2024 08:20-09:00 - Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill
19-11-2024 15:20-16:00 - Corner Jells Road & Grandview Road Wheelers Hill
Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you all next week.
All the best,
Mr Patrick Torpey