
The Reason for the Season
The Year 6 students led the Good Shepherd community for the annual end of year worship service. It is an opportunity for them to take leadership in sharing the gospel message with us all. This year the Year 6 play was based on “Time Machine Talk Show”, a comic script which was edited to showcase students in a mix of interviews, advertisements, trivia, stand-up comedy and singing. While there were a lot of Bible references and the usual characters, you might have left wondering, how was that worship? I wondered this myself at times.
Christmas can feel a lot like this. In our so-called post Christian era, we find our society using terms like “Seasons Greetings” and “Happy Holidays” as alternatives to using the “C” word. We find ourselves busy with Christmas shopping, decoration and parties and can barely find a moment of rest to stop, be in the moment and take it all in. Amongst all the theatrics of music, lights and extravagant outfits we only wear once a year, where is Jesus?
I am not a fan of Santa. When I think of St. Nick, a bishop back in the 4th century, the patron saint of children and a generous but secret giver of gifts, I wonder how he would feel if he knew we are now celebrating his memory by shopping and having photos with a random guy we call Santa Claus. The Christmas tree also comes from pagan traditions. The evergreen was considered a symbol of immortality so people would bring it into their homes.
Here is a list of ways I found to reimagine the Christmas tree. It is in the shape of a triangle like the trinity. It is an arrow pointing to Heaven. The lights are like the promised descendants of Abraham and remind us that Jesus is the light of the world, and He has overcome the darkness. Finally, the branches are a reminder of His crown of thorns.
We know what is coming at Easter, but Jesus isn’t usually a character within the nativity play. Maybe a toy baby will feature or if we’re lucky, we might get to see a newborn placed in a manger for a quick photo before they cry. Nevertheless, Jesus is the true star of the show. Every character from the prophets to the familiar faces of Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds and wise men are all there for Him. Jesus is the centre of it all. He was adored and worshiped as King, Lord and Messiah.
However, the Christmas story does not end with Jesus. It ends with us. We are part of the nativity story. Jesus is God’s gift to us. I think of John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” At the heart of Christmas is God’s love for us. That is the true reason for the season. The “Time Machine Talk Show” Gift Giveaway reminded us that we have already been given the greatest gift ever, His Holy Spirit and eternal life.
Have a blessed Christmas season as you celebrate with family and friends. May you remember to keep Jesus at the centre.
Bethany Eloise McAleer
Performing Art Teacher
Christmas Worship times for Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
What are you up to on Christmas Eve? You are invited to ‘A Season of New Hope’ as we explore and celebrate the reason for our hope... Jesus!
The 5:30pm service is a short, family friendly service where we get to sing Christmas songs and carols and children have the opportunity to participate as we share the message of Christmas. (If your child would like an acting part, please contact Georgie here by tomorrow 6th December.) If you are just wanting to come along on the night, we would love to see you and your family as we celebrate the birth of baby Jesus!
For a complete list of services:
Christmas Eve:
5:30pm Theme: ‘Holding Hope’ Family Service
7:30pm Theme: 'No Ordinary Hope’ Christmas Drama
9:30pm Theme: ‘A season of New Hope’~ Carol Service
Christmas Day:
9:30am Theme: ‘Hope Realised'
2024 Worship Song Playlist
Do you find yourself wondering what songs we sing in Wednesday Worship? Do your children come home singing some of the songs? We would like to invite you to our Good Shepherd School Worship Song Playlist on YouTube. To find a selection of songs that we sing, click here and start singing along!
Want to sing along to our Christmas playlist? Click here!