What's happening in our learning spaces?

| Stella - For the enthusiastic way you have participated in your learning throughout the week. Great effort Stella! Chloe -For eagerly sharing your thoughts and ideas during class discussions and for being a considerate listener when others are speaking. Well done, Chloe! |
FAM | Sophie - For being a respectful and responsible member of Foundation AM and always going out of your way to help out. Spectacular Sophie! |
1/2VS | Oscar - For always showing enthusiasm and taking on new challenges with a positive attitude. Amazing Oscar!! Ani - For always putting lots of effort into your learning and trying your best. You are a shining well done superstar! |
1/2VB | Patrick -For approaching your learning with enthusiasm and putting in great effort into all tasks. You’re an inspiration, Persistent Patrick! Mia -For your positive attitude towards your learning! Your dedication and hardwork is outstanding. Magnificent Mia! |
1/2VK | Henry - For your persistent attitude towards your learning, you consistently do a wonderful job! Well done, superstar! |
3/4BP | Eva M - For your collaborative participation in our reading groups and making thoughtful comments about the text. Enthusiastic Eva! |
3/4SH | Madalen - For her positive attitude, persistence, and amazing problem-solving skills that have truly shone this week. Keep up the fantastic work, Madalen! |
5/6OS | Joseph - For arguing their case like a debate champion and slicing through fractions like a pizza master. Well done to our class's official ‘Math and Sass’ superstar, Joe! |
5/6BZ | Poppy - For creating convincing and detailed persuasive paragraphs, you provided such important evidence using the TEEL paragraph structures. Passionate Poppy! Eliana -For confidently connecting and converting fractions and decimals. You are a fractions superstar! Efficient Eliana! |
5/6MC | Xena -For your effort and persistence this week through all areas of learning, it is great to see you continue to step up every week and complete work to a high standard! Well done Xena! |
| Florence -For being willing to share your ideas and thoughts during class discussions. You always think deeply about what you want to share with everyone. You are a STAR, Florence! Arsema -For the positive way you participate in all your learning throughout the week. You are focused and ready to begin your learning independently. Fantastic effort, Arsema! |
| Marc -For always being so kind, caring and helpful. We are lucky to have you in Foundation AM. Magnificent Marc! |
| Sienna -For showing empathy and kindness to your peers. You always look for ways to help and brighten up someone's day.. Sensational Sienna! Alessandro -For approaching learning with enthusiasm and always trying your best. You are a star. Keep it up! Amazing Ale! |
| Yiannis -Congratulations on logging over 230 books in your reading diary this year! The dedication you have shown to improve and build on your reading skills this year is a great achievement. You rock, Yiannis! Matthew -For your positive attitude towards your learning! You never give up and work so hard to improve and grow. Magical learning, Matthew! |
| SophieFor showing leadership in the classroom and being a kind and responsible member of 1/2VK. Well done Sophie. |
| Hazel - For the continued effort she applies to all learning tasks, you are shining bright. Hardworking Hazel! |
| Harry -For his stellar singing and endless enthusiasm this week. We’re so lucky to have you, Harry! Eva D - For her fabulous fraction skills and dazzling dance moves in rehearsal this week. Keep up the awesome work, Eva! |
5/6OS | Micah - For being a resilient learner who is taking on new challenges with positivity, especially during our debating unit whilst sharing his opinions on topics with interesting facts and commentary. Magnificent Micah! |
| Benjamin - For creating descriptive and convincing paragraphs for and against Animals being kept in Zoos. You really convinced me when you compared a Zoo enclosure to a prison. Brave Ben! |
| Whole Class - For your hard work and dedication to completing our collaborative artwork to a high standard, thank you for helping our vision come to life. You’re all future Picasso’s! Well done MC! |
| Oscar - For all your great work with fractions. You showed your great number sense with finding quarters and eighths of acollection. Congratulations Oscar, keep up the great work! |
We had another week of fantastic learning in Foundation! There is always something new and exciting happening in our learning spaces, and this week did not disappoint. Last week was a shorter week, but this week, we are back to normal!
As mathematicians, we tuned in to Fractions, making connections to the different 2D shapes we have been learning about. We learnt that a fraction is a part of a whole. Last week, we folded and cut paper squares, rectangles, circles and triangles to show how to make halves in different ways. We know that half means one out of two equal parts. However, the most exciting part of our week last week was definitely making Fairy Bread! We put on our Mathematician hats and made delicious Fairy Bread. We cut our bread into halves. Some of us cut rectangle halves, and others cut triangle halves. Some of us even cut our Fairy Bread into quarters!
We then moved onto Patterns, and began exploring different repeating patterns with two and three parts. As thinkers, we copied and continued patterns, before making our very own. Some of us focused on colours, while others used different shapes and objects in our patterns. As researchers, we went on a gallery walk to observe each other's patterns and identify the unit of repeat.
As inquirers, we continued to explore our big question, ‘What’s good for me?’ We had Lucy Walker (Jack’s mum from FLW) come and visit us on Friday afternoon to share her expertise about keeping our teeth healthy and strong. Lucy is a dental assistant! As an expert in all things teeth, she was able to share lots of new and interesting facts and information. Lucy even showed us the correct way to brush our teeth!
As communicators, we will unpack our thinking by recording what we discover over the coming days. We also thank Lucy for the dental packs and new toothbrushes each of us received to take home.
On Friday, we were lucky enough to visit our buddies in SLA. We had time and opportunity to view their Scratch creations from their STEM sessions. Afterwards, we ate our recess with them. It was great to catch up with our buddies!
It is a very busy term, so here are some key dates to remember…
- Art/STEM Show - Thursday 14th November
- Foundation AM leading Whole School Prayer - Friday 15th November
- School Athletics Day - Friday 22nd November
- Foundation & Year 5/6 Parish Mass - Tuesday 26th November
- Christmas Carols and Christmas Picnic - Thursday 12th December
Have a wonderful week!
Leanne Wenckowski and Alycia Marsico,
Foundation Team
It has been a short but productive week in the Year 1/2 learning spaces.
As readers and writers, we have been exploring contractions. This is a word that is made by shortening or combining two words. For example: do + not = don’t. Here are some more examples. You may like to continue consolidating these at home by writing word lists, creating a memory card game, placing words into sentences orally or in writing or even identifying these words in texts.
In recent news, there were some menacing stick insects that were up to no good! On Thursday morning, the students walked into their learning spaces only to discover that the stick insects had taken away all of their reading resources! With a call to action, for the students to support the community with their reading. Together the students have come up with a community library. Stay tuned to see how this unfolds…
As mathematicians, we have continued to explore fractions this week. As thinkers, we have investigated fractions of a collection or a group. For example, The image below shows a collection of 8 counters. Consider the following questions: What fraction of the counters are red? What fraction of the counters are yellow? What fraction of the collection is half? We have been applying our division knowledge and materials to help us answer similar questions.
We have also been very busy preparing for our Fraction Museum that will take place on Monday afternoon. We are looking forward to this experience!
1/2 Team
Vania Sparano, Vicky Karalis, Vivian Boggis and Miss Marissa
As athletes, we began the first of our four cricket clinics on Friday, run by Cricket Australia. Our coach, Sam, showed us how to catch and bowl, and we even played a few fun games to get us excited to learn how to play cricket. We had a great time and can’t wait for next week!
As innovators, we participated in a STEM sprint to design a robot using a device called Microbit. Students collaborated to brainstorm and design various robots that showcase different emotions. As designers, students chose their favourite design to 3D print on TinkerCad. We can’t wait to see our final design at the Art/STEM showcase this Thursday!
Well done to 3/4SH for their assembly on Friday!
Have a lovely week!
Belinda Panzarino & Sarah Hogan
We have been eagerly preparing for our debating morning. We would love to have you join us this morning to support in judging the debates. Please check your emails as we will have more details to come soon!
We look forward to seeing you at the STEM/Art Show on Thursday. Each class has worked tirelessly to create collaborative class artwork; we hope you enjoy viewing all of the students' creations.
The 5/6 students used the Scratch program to create their own games, which they then shared with their buddies for a fun and interactive experience. After learning the basics of game design, students crafted games. The buddies eagerly played the games and offered feedback, making it a collaborative and exciting learning experience. The project helped students sharpen their coding skills and encouraged teamwork, creativity, and communication, all while having fun together.
This week, children will receive Home Learning. Students are provided with a physical copy of their home learning, which is also posted on Google Classroom. It is due on Friday, November 29th.
Important Dates:
- 14/11/24- STEM/ART show
- 22/11/24- Whole School Athletics Day
- 27/11/24 - Maths Games Day
- 4/12/24- Year 6 End of Year Excursion
- 6/12/24- Year 6 Graduation Night
- 12/12/24- Family Xmas Carols
Have a wonderful week,
5/6 Team
Olivia Sargent, Maddie Comrie & Bianka Zorzut