Walton House News

Dear Parents, Carers, Family and Students,
Somehow, we are half way through Term 4 and the year is almost over. This has been a very productive term, with students achieving academic and personal success. Here’s a snapshot of what’s been happening and what is coming up!
Year 12 exams
For the past month, year 12 students have been completing their end of year final exams. This has been a very stressful time for out students, but their commitment to studies and dedication to doing their best has been wonderful to see. Regardless of the outcome, we are incredibly proud of all of the Walton students who have completed their VCE studies.
Year 10 and 11 exams:
This week is exam week for year 10 and 11 students. This is a way for students to practice and prepare for the year 12 exams that are just around the corner for them. Students have been trying their best and taking these practice exams incredibly seriously which is absolutely fantastic.
Year 7 Information Evening
On the 13th HPSC hosted the year 7 Information evening. This was a wonderful evening with parents touring the school and excited future students seeing what next year has in store for them! Our student leaders supported this evening and helped with the BBQ and leading the school tours.
Starting on the 25th of November, HPSC beings the commencement program where students begin their 2025 timetables and start the learning for the next academic year.
End of Year Awards Night
On the 17th of December, HPSC is hosting our end of year awards night, where student achievements and effort will be celebrated for subjects, year level, houses and also student leaders will receive their official badges. Information to come.
Walton Leaders 2025
Congratulations Minhaj and Charlie!
Student Values Nomination Champion
This term the student who has achieved the most values nominations in Walton for term 4 is Olivia Stanton!
Excellent work Olivia!!
Homework club runs on Tuesday and Thursdays. Please come along!
Book Reviews
We are in URGENT need of student book reviews! Please read a book, write a review, take a photo and send it to Mr Antill! Let’s get Walton winning the book review points again 😊
Uniform, Lates and Attendance
A reminder to please ensure all students are following the correct school uniform. Ensure you are either in the academic uniform with black lace up shoes, or the sports uniform with runners, not a mixture of the two.
We need students to be coming to school on time, every time.
Please keep up the great work for the remainder of Term 4!
Thank you
Gabi Phelan and the Walton Team